565 catalogues found

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  • Catalogue Entry: Inland Lakes - Water Quality - Pukaskwa

    Every five years, water quality is assessed in 32 inland lakes that are greater than 8 hectares in surface area. Samples are collected via helicopter and three key stressors...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Streams and Rivers - Water Quality - Pukaskwa

    The Water Quality Index (WQI), developed by the Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment (CCME) is used to assess the water quality of Pukaskwa’s rivers and streams. Three...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Streams and Rivers - Thermal Habitat - Pukaskwa

    Since 2009, up to nine (9) streams (White River, Willow River, Oiseau Creek, White Gravel River, North Swallow River, Swallow River, Cascade River, Tagouche Creek and Imogene...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Shrub cover-Vuntut

    Tundra is an important ecosystem in Vuntut National Park. It covers approximately 56% of the park and is used extensively by the Porcupine Caribou Herd during it’s spring and...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Permafrost - Tundra -Vuntut

    Permafrost and snow are critical to the ecology of many northern ecosystems. They influence hydrology and vegetation and can dramatically affect the quality of wildlife habitat....
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  • Catalogue Entry: Lake hydrology-Vuntut

    Recent observations suggest that shallow lakes and ponds in the Arctic are becoming increasingly dynamic in response to climate change, and changes in water levels, lake surface...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Permafrost - Wetlands -Vuntut

    Permafrost and snow are critical to the ecology of many northern ecosystems. They influence hydrology and vegetation and can dramatically affect the quality of wildlife habitat....
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  • Catalogue Entry: Lake periphyton-Vuntut

    Recent observations suggest that shallow lakes and ponds in the Arctic are becoming increasingly dynamic in response to climate change, and changes in water levels, lake surface...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Growing degree days-Vuntut

    Tundra is an important ecosystem in Vuntut National Park. It covers approximately 56% of the park and is used extensively by the Porcupine Caribou Herd during it’s spring and...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Snow Cover Duration - Tundra - Vuntut

    Permafrost and snow are critical to the ecology of many northern ecosystems. They influence hydrology and vegetation and can dramatically affect the quality of wildlife habitat....
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  • Catalogue Entry: Snow Cover Duration - Wetlands - Vuntut

    Permafrost and snow are critical to the ecology of many northern ecosystems. They influence hydrology and vegetation and can dramatically affect the quality of wildlife habitat....
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  • Catalogue Entry: Porcupine Caribou Herd-population size-Vuntut

    The Porcupine Caribou Herd is a population of barren-ground caribou whose range includes the northern Yukon, Alaska and the Northwest Territories. It is one of the largest...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Peregrine falcon nesting site occupancy-Vuntut

    Peregrine falcons are found in many regions of the northern Yukon including Vuntut National Park. These birds have the important role of top predator and are known to respond to...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Beaver Abundance - Riding Mountain

    Beavers are a key component of the Riding Mountain National Park ecosystems. The park surveys active beaver food caches by air in 30 habitat blocks every 3 years. These surveys...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Moose Abundance - Riding Mountain

    Moose in Riding Mountain National Park are affected by hunting, predator population numbers, winter severity, and disease. Riding Mountain National Park conducts annual aerial...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Wolf Abundance - Riding Mountain

    The wolf population in Riding Mountain National Park is monitored through track counts that are conducted each winter according to methods established by Canadian Wildlife...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Elk Abundance - Riding Mountain

    Elk abundance and population composition are assessed annually during an aerial survey conducted between mid-January and mid-February. The elk population composition is measured...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Fire Regime - Riding Mountain

    The integrity of fire-dependent forest types will be maintained through prescribed burns. The park's fire management program uses remote sensing to monitor post-burn changes on...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Clear Lake Water Quality - Riding Mountain

    The park monitors water quality on Clear Lake by sampling total phosphorus, Chlorophyll-a, oxygen consumption in the hypolimnion, and mean total phosphorus in the inflow...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Lake and Stream Trophic State Index - Riding Mountain

    This measure monitors the trophic state (primary productivity) of six selected lakes, and four selected streams, in order to collect baseline data on processes fundamental to...
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