Catalogue Entry: Active Layer - Quttinirpaaq
Permafrost and the soil layer above the permafrost that freezes and thaws annually, known as the active layer, are directly affected by climate. It is anticipated that rising...-
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Catalogue Entry: Plant Phenology - Quttinirpaaq
Climate change, especially changes in spring temperatures and the timing of snow melt, can affect the phenology of Arctic plants. Shifts in plant phenology may alter plant-...-
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Catalogue Entry: Seedling Regeneration - Thousand Islands
TINP evaluates seedling and sapling density within 5 subplots of the 20m x 20m EMAN forest plots in August each year. Plots are rotated every 5 years (6 plots/year) and are...-
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Catalogue Entry: Marsh Birds - Thousand Islands
The presence and abundance of 11 marsh birds are assessed through visual and audio surveys twice every year (8 plots/year) throughout the park between May and July. Bird species...-
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Catalogue Entry: Tree Health - Thousand Islands
Park staff visually evaluate tree health within 20m x 20m forest plots in August each year. Plots are rotated every 5 years (6 plots/year) and monitored according to term...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Birds - Thousand Islands
Data is collected using automated recording devices which are pre-programmed and set-up in forest ecosystems. Units are programed to capture bird calls in the mornings from May-...-
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Catalogue Entry: Stream Water Temperature - Thousand Islands
Thousand Islands NP installs temperature data loggers to monitor hourly stream water temperatures at designated stream study sites from spring until fall.-
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Catalogue Entry: Wetland Water Quality - Thousand Islands
Thousand Islands NP monitors wetland water quality yearly in May/June. Samples are analyzed for multiple parameters including: total phosphorus, ammonium, nitrate, turbidity,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Stream Water Quality - Thousand Islands
In order to assess long-term changes in streams Thousand Islands NP monitors their water quality yearly in July. Samples are analyzed for multiple parameters including: total...-
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Catalogue Entry: Downed Wood Debris - Thousand Islands
Several measures that characterise downed woody debris are recorded along three, 45.14 m transects associated with long-term Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN)...-
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Catalogue Entry: Deer Browse - Spring - Thousand Islands
Browse surveys occur in early spring and are conducted by park staff. Each plot is composed of nine circular subplots (2-m radius) in a 3 x 3 grid, spaced at 15 m intervals....-
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Catalogue Entry: Frog and Toad Monitoring - Thousand Islands
Frogs and toads were monitored through visual and audio surveys during twice-yearly wetland visits between May-June 2006-2014. Frogs and toads were assessed by park staff for...-
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Catalogue Entry: Stream Benthic Invertebrates Richness - Thousand Islands
Benthic invertebrate data is collected and used for two biological measures that assess TINP’s freshwater quality. Data collection from streams in the park occurs yearly in...-
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Catalogue Entry: Stream Benthic Invertebrates Stress - Thousand Islands
Benthic invertebrate data is collected and used for two biological measures that assess TINP’s freshwater quality. Data collection from streams in the park occurs yearly in...-
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Catalogue Entry: Deer Browse - Summer Woody - Thousand Islands
Browse surveys occur yearly in July-August and are conducted by park staff. Each plot is composed of nine circular subplots (2-m radius) in a 3 x 3 grid, spaced at 15 m...-
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Catalogue Entry: Deer Browse - Summer Herbaceous - Thousand Islands
Browse surveys occur yearly in July-August and are conducted by park staff. Each plot is composed of nine circular subplots (2-m radius) in a 3 x 3 grid, spaced at 15 m...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wetland Invasive Alien Plants - Thousand Islands
Park staff monitor invasive wetland plants at marsh monitoring sites in May-June each year (8 plots/year). In each wetland, pairs of 1 m x 1 m quadrats placed 2 m apart are...-
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Catalogue Entry: Moose - Pukaskwa
Moose aerial surveys are conducted approximately every 5 years by helicopter, subject to snow and weather conditions or to coincide with a survey being done in the adjacent...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Disturbance - Pukaskwa
To assess the current state of wildland fire as an ecological process in the interior forests (Pukaskwa Plains, Bremner Uplands and Bremner-Widgeon Uplands ecodistricts) of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Colonial Waterbirds - Pukaskwa
Herring gull (Larus arentatus, HERG), great blue heron (Ardea Herodias GBHE), double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus, DCCO) and ring-billed gull (Larus delawarensis,...-
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