Catalogue Entry: Banff_NP_Freshwater_Amphibian Visual Surveys
We surveyed the presence of four native amphibian species in wetlands throughout the eastern section of Banff National Park. This dataset represents detection or non-detection...-
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Catalogue Entry: Yoho_NP_Freshwater_Amphibian Visual Surveys
Yoho National Park samples 28 randomly selected potential amphibian breeding sites (out of possible 66) to determine presence or absence of amphibian species. Each of the 28...-
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Catalogue Entry: Mingan_NPR_Coastal_Seabirds_1984_2022
Monitoring the number of individuals of three alcid species and the number of black-legged kittiwake nests. Field data from 1984 to 2022. Several islands in the RPNCAM are used...-
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Catalogue Entry: Yoho_NP_ForestAlpine_Songbird Point Counts
Birds adapted to alpine ecosystems are often sensitive to habitat and climate changes because of their niche specialization. For example, birds that are specialized to breeding...-
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Catalogue Entry: Kootenay_NP_ForestAlpine_Songbird Point Counts
Birds adapted to alpine ecosystems are often sensitive to habitat and climate changes because of their niche specialization. For example, birds that are specialized to breeding...-
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Catalogue Entry: Human-wildlife coexistence incidents managed by Parks Canada
This Open Data Record is comprised of datasets that document human-wildlife coexistence incidents and response actions by Parks Canada Agency from 2010 to 2023. A human-wildlife...-
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Catalogue Entry: Mammal Occupancy - Yoho
Motion-detection cameras are a cost-effective and non-invasive tool used in Yoho National Park for sampling mammal populations and estimating species occurrence. Occupancy...-
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Catalogue Entry: Mammal Occupancy - Kootenay
Motion-detection cameras are a cost-effective and non-invasive tool used in Kootenay National Park for sampling mammal populations and estimating species occurrence. Occupancy...-
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Catalogue Entry: Beaver Population - Bruce Peninsula
Beavers were formerly extirpated from the Bruce Peninsula, but have re-colonized the area after a two century absence, making significant changes to the park landscape. Bruce...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Birds - Bruce Peninsula
Forest birds are diverse in Ontario, with many species being common or very common on the Bruce Peninsula (i.e., American Redstart, Black-throated Green Warbler, Pileated...-
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Catalogue Entry: Stream Temperature - Bruce Peninsula
Stream temperature increases due to climate change, land clearing, beaver activity, etc... can be stressful for resident fishes and other aquatic species. Bruce Peninsula...-
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Catalogue Entry: Inland Lake Water Quality - Bruce Peninsula
Bruce Peninsula National Park monitors trends and exceedance in water quality index by sampling for nutrients, major ions, and metals in two lakes and two rivers throughout the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Eastern Red-Backed Salamander - Bruce Peninsula
Redback salamanders have a long lifespan, small home ranges and high site fidelity. They breathe entirely through their skin and the tissue lining in their mouths, which makes...-
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Catalogue Entry: Active Layer - Auyuittuq
Permafrost and the active layer (the soil layer above the permafrost that freezes and thaws annually) are directly affected by climate. It is anticipated that rising...-
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Catalogue Entry: Active Layer - Sirmilik
Permafrost and the active layer (the soil layer above the permafrost that freezes and thaws annually) are directly affected by climate. It is anticipated that rising...-
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Catalogue Entry: Plant Productivity and Growing Season Change - Sirmilik
This dataset includes plant productivity values for spring, summer and fall from 2000-2016. The data are from remote sensing. The MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging...-
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Catalogue Entry: Active Layer - Ukkusiksalik
Permafrost and the active layer (the soil layer above the permafrost that freezes and thaws annually) are directly affected by climate. It is anticipated that rising...-
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Catalogue Entry: Subtle Vegetation Change - Ukkusiksalik
This dataset contains the percent land cover of woody shrubs in shrub-dominated ecotypes within Ukkusiksalik National Park from 1998 to 2013. This is a remote sensing measure...-
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Catalogue Entry: Plant productivity and growing season change - Ukkusiksalik
This dataset includes annual average Julian dates of spring green-up, fall brown-down, and plant productivity from 2000-2012. The data are from remote sensing. The MODIS...-
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Catalogue Entry: Plant Community - Quttinirpaaq
Changes to tundra vegetation communities may affect local ecological processes such as nutrient cycling and quality and quantity of animal forage. In Quttinirpaaq National Park,...-
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