Catalogue Entry: Coastal Species at Risk - Prince Edward Island
The sustainability of species at risk is an important assessment of ecosystem biodiversity. The status of each threatened species can infer how well an ecosystem is functioning...-
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Catalogue Entry: Plains Bison - Prince Albert
Annual aerial surveys are conducted along transects in late February to monitor the size of the Sturgeon River Plains Bison population, one of the few wild populations remaining...-
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Catalogue Entry: Water Quality - Prince Albert
Water quality data is based around two of the largest lakes in Prince Albert National Park – Kingsmere and Waskesiu. Data is collected monthly from May through September each...-
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Catalogue Entry: Rangeland Health - Prince Albert
Rangeland health takes multiple ecosystem components into account and reflects overall ecosystem function. Forest and grassland sites are scored on criteria such as plant...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Area Burned - Prince Albert
This dataset identifies the location and area burned for fires within the current Prince Albert National Park boundary. All fires over 2 ha from 1930--2017 are included and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Bird Diversity and Abundance - Prince Albert
Avian point counts are conducted annually by collecting and transcribing acoustic recordings. Recording stations are located along 11 transects, and are visited on mornings...-
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Catalogue Entry: Pelican and Cormorant Abundance and Mortality - Prince Albert
Counts of nesting pelicans and cormorants at the Lavallee Lake colony are conducted each spring via aerial photography, and mortality is counted each fall by walking transects...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Loss - Gwaii Haanas
Forest loss is monitored annually in Gwaii Haanas with remote sensing, where forest loss is defined as a change from forest to non-forest state over a period of time. Forest...-
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Catalogue Entry: Water Quality - Gwaii Haanas
Water Quality is measured annually in both streams and lakes in Gwaii Haanas. Many water quality parameters are collected and they can be grouped into three categories: (1)...-
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Catalogue Entry: Breeding seabirds - Gwaii Haanas
Gwaii Haanas has partnered with ECCC to monitor a set of permanent plots mapping colony structure and burrow occupancy rate by excavating samples of burrows of Ancient Murrelet...-
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Catalogue Entry: Western Toad - Gwaii Haanas
Annual visual surveys are used to assess annual occupancy of breeding western toads at 10 known breeding ponds. Because of their reliance on wetland habitat for breeding,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Understory Structure - Gwaii Haanas
The forest understory vegetation community is a key ecosystem component of Haida Gwaii forests. Understory plants provide food for native fauna (bears, birds etc.), structure...-
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Catalogue Entry: Non-native mammals - Gwaii Haanas
Non-native mammal species are monitored annually in areas critical for the protection important seabird islands. Remote cameras are deployed for 15-days to annually detect any...-
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Catalogue Entry: Stream Benthic Invertebrates %EPT - Gwaii Haanas
The EPT index measures the proportion of freshwater organisms belonging to the taxa Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera (or EPT for short). These species are considered to be...-
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Catalogue Entry: Songbirds - Gwaii Haanas
Gwaii Haanas evaluates changes to forest breeding songbird occupancy and diversity annually. Point counts are conducted using Acoustic Recording Units (ARUs) at permanent...-
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Catalogue Entry: Subalpine - Gwaii Haanas
The subalpine zone of Haida Gwaii occurs between an elevation of 600 to 800m. Permanent plots are monitored every 5 years to detect any changes to the structure and composition...-
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Catalogue Entry: Black Oystercatcher - Gwaii Haanas
Black Oystercatcher breeding success is estimated by visually surveying known breeding habitat in key areas of Gwaii Haanas. Surveys are conducted twice a year during breeding...-
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Catalogue Entry: Marbled Murrelet - Gwaii Haanas
In partnership with ECCC, Gwaii Haanas monitors five Marbled Murrelet colonies by using a radar station located offshore. As birds fly out to the ocean at dawn, and return at...-
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Catalogue Entry: Invasive Plants - Gwaii Haanas
Areas with high potential for exotic introductions are monitored annually for new growth and new plants are treated as necessary.-
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Catalogue Entry: Coastal Process - Erosion and Accretion - Gwaii Haanas
Using permanent transects, geo indicators are tracked annually to monitor the effects of long term erosion and deposition processes and significant erosional events to...-
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