Catalogue Entry: Forest Road Segment Tenure
Uniquely identifies a 75 metre wide road tenure. This layer uses the centre line from the application and is buffered 37.5 metres either side. This layer does not represent the... -
Catalogue Entry: RESULTS - Activity Treatment Units
An opening's disturbance and silviculture activities reported into RESULTS. Most activities are within opening boundaries with the exception of broadcast treatments. An opening... -
Catalogue Entry: Moose Management for the Cariboo Region
Outline of Moose Habitat area (important grizzly area too)-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas 20K-50K Stream Cross Reference Table
Contains all primary and secondary matches between 1:20K and 1:50K stream edges. This attribute table links the new Freshwater Atlas watershed codes with the existing 1:50K... -
Catalogue Entry: Bioslide Points
A point file showing a collection of specific GPS spatial points recorded during the video taping of the shoreline. The points are represented by a specific latitude and... -
Catalogue Entry: Kelp Beds - Coastal Resource Information Management System (CRIMS)
Distribution of kelp beds in coastal British Columbia. Attribute information includes relative abundance, species, biomass and density of the beds. CRIMS is a legacy dataset of... -
Catalogue Entry: Recreational Features Inventory
The RFI identifies areas of land and water encircling a recreation feature or combination of features that support, or have the potential to support, one or more recreation... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Atlas Rivers
All double line river polygons for the province -
Catalogue Entry: Great Blue Herons - Coastal Resource Information Management System (CRIMS)
Distribution of Great Blue Heron habitat in coastal British Columbia showing relative abundance (RA) by season and overall relative importance (RI). RI is based on project... -
Catalogue Entry: Predictive Ecosystem Mapping (PEM) Detailed Polygons with Short Attribute...
This dataset is not currently available in the BCGW but may be downloaded in geodatabase format. Please refer to: Terrestrial Ecosystem Information (TEI) Data Distribution... -
Catalogue Entry: Emergency Social Services Facilities
During a declared emergency event, this dataset will include the facilities that provide Emergency Social Service assistance. -
Catalogue Entry: Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Boundaries
Jurisdictional boundaries for the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR). This dataset represents the regional operational boundaries for the former... -
Catalogue Entry: Community Watersheds - Current
Boundaries (polygons) of areas designated as community watershed by government - that are all or part of the drainage area that is upslope of the lowest point from which water... -
Catalogue Entry: Seed Planning Zone Geometry
Seed Planning Zone (SPZ) geometry is comprised of geographic areas of the province that are characterized by common ecological and genetic attributes for a given forest tree...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Operability - Revelstoke TSA
Operability for the Revelstoke TSA (topr_rv)-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Trapline Cabins - Kootenay Region
Existing and Cancelled Trapline Cabin Sites within the Kootenay Region (qtrpcbr4).-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Muskwa Kechika Access Routes (Line)
Muskwa-Kechika Access Management Area Access Routes-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Recreation Line
This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Recreation Lines. These are the linear spatial representation for features such as recreation trails -
Catalogue Entry: Provincial Fish Ranges - Watersheds
This file contains a representation of 3rd order watersheds developed for the 1:50,000 BC Watershed Atlas with each watershed polygon coded for occurrence of freshwater fish...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Mapped Floodplains in BC (Historical) - Mapsheets Index with Links to...
Index outlining historical floodplain mapping areas. Contains links to Floodplain Mapping Reports stored in Ecological Reports Catalogue (EcoCat)