Catalogue Entry: Emergency Rooms in BC
Hospitals and other health care facilities in BC that provide 24-hour diagnostic and treatment services for people who have acute, life-threatening injuries or severe illnesses.... -
Catalogue Entry: Pharmacies in BC
Organizations in BC that are involved in the business of preparing, preserving, compounding and dispensing drugs in accordance with prescriptions prepared by licensed... -
Catalogue Entry: Hospitals in BC
Medical institutions in BC that provide diagnostic and treatment services for people whose illnesses or injuries require that they occupy a bed for at least one night. Hospitals... -
Catalogue Entry: Water Licensed Works - Points
Province-wide SDE layer showing point works associated with a Water Licence -
Catalogue Entry: Immunization Services in BC
Programs in BC that provide inoculations or other prophylactic measures to prevent susceptible individuals from contracting specific diseases for which means of control have... -
Catalogue Entry: Water Licensed Works - Lines
Province-wide SDE layer showing linear works associated with a Water Licence -
Catalogue Entry: Walk-in Clinics in BC
Programs in BC that provide walk-in treatment services for people who have minor illnesses or injuries that do not require a visit to a hospital emergency department or an... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Schools - School District Information
School Districts - Boards of Education current and historical location and contact information to 2018/2019. -
Catalogue Entry: Laboratory Services in BC
Programs that perform a laboratory analysis of body fluids and tissue to determine the presence of irregularities or to identify unknown substances submitted for analysis.... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Schools - Passport to Education Awards
The distribution of Passport to Education awards by district and grades 10, 11 and 12 up to 2011/2012. -
Catalogue Entry: Data Literacy Program Needs Assessment Survey Results
The data literacy program put out a survey to assess the current level of data literacy across the BC Public Service. The nine survey questions identified perceived and... -
Catalogue Entry: Respite and Medical Benefits Monthly Caseload for Children and Youth with...
This data set contains the number of Medical Benefits and Respite Services case files per month by Ministry of Children and Family Development Region from April 2002 to present. -
Catalogue Entry: BC Schools - District & Provincial Scholarships
Disbursement of District and Provincial Scholarships to 2011/2012, including counts by male and female students. -
Catalogue Entry: British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emissions ARCHIVE
British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) are published annually by the Province of British Columbia. CURRENT estimates of GHG emissions since 1990 are available here.... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Schools - Programs Offered in Schools
BC Schools English Language Learners, French Immersion, Francophone, Career Preparation, Aboriginal Support Services, Aboriginal Language and Culture, Continuing Education and... -
Catalogue Entry: Community Corrections Client Count - by legal hold status
Community client count by fiscal year, by region, ethnicity, document type, most serious offence (MSO), Spousal Abuse flag (K-file) and-or sex offender (SO)flag; for FY 08-09 to... -
Catalogue Entry: British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The Province of British Columbia prepares the British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory. British Columbia Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are attributed to five defined... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Schools - K-12 with Francophone Indicators
This dataset is comprised of locations and current information for all schools for Kindergarten to Grade 12 in British Columbia. Indicators are included for schools that offer...