Catalogue Entry: MTA - Coal Grid, Group
Determines the location of Coal Titles within the Province of British Columbia. It is established under the authority of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Grid Regulation. It is... -
Catalogue Entry: Civic Facilities
Civic Facilities is a point dataset identifying local arts, culture and recreational facilities in British Columbia. -
Catalogue Entry: South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program Bndry SOSCP
South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program (SOSCP) boundary circa year 2000.-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Road Segment Tenure
Uniquely identifies a 75 metre wide road tenure. This layer uses the centre line from the application and is buffered 37.5 metres either side. This layer does not represent the... -
Catalogue Entry: RESULTS - Activity Treatment Units
An opening's disturbance and silviculture activities reported into RESULTS. Most activities are within opening boundaries with the exception of broadcast treatments. An opening... -
Catalogue Entry: Moose Management for the Cariboo Region
Outline of Moose Habitat area (important grizzly area too)-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Operability - Revelstoke TSA
Operability for the Revelstoke TSA (topr_rv)-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Trapline Cabins - Kootenay Region
Existing and Cancelled Trapline Cabin Sites within the Kootenay Region (qtrpcbr4).-
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Catalogue Entry: Muskwa Kechika Access Routes (Line)
Muskwa-Kechika Access Management Area Access Routes-
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Catalogue Entry: Non Legal Planning Features - Current - Line
A spatially identified line on land and/or water that has been mapped for specific land and/or resource uses as determined through a strategic land and resource planning... -
Catalogue Entry: MTA - Mineral Reserve Sites Business View
~~~~~~~~~~~~Defines areas within the province of British Columbia where mineral, placer and coal titles are restricted and placer titles are permitted. This business view... -
Catalogue Entry: Legal Planning Objectives - Current - Polygon
Spatially identified and mapped legal objective polygons as determined from Strategic Land and Resource Planning (SLRP) processes in the province of British Columbia. Legal... -
Catalogue Entry: TANTALIS - Crown Land Operating Agreements
TA_CROWN_OPERATING_AGRMNTS_SVW contains the spatial representation (polygon) of active and applied for Crown Land Operating Agreements. Operating agreements provide for use of... -
Catalogue Entry: TANTALIS - Crown Land Revenue Sharing Agreements
TA_CROWN_REV_SHARE_AGRMNTS_SVW contains the spatial representation (polygon) of active and applied for Crown Land Revenue Sharing Agreements. A Revenue Sharing Agreement is made... -
Catalogue Entry: Great Bear Rainforest - Landscape Reserve Design
This layer contains current Landscape Reserve Design (LRD) polygons associated the Great Bear Rainforest. This layer excludes sensitive information. This spatial data layer is... -
Catalogue Entry: Mobile Business Licence Partnerships
Current communities partnering in a mobile business licence program with neighboring communities. To view the the Mobile Business Licence partnerships in the BC Economic atlas,... -
Catalogue Entry: MTA - Coal Grid, Mapsheet
Determines the location of Coal Titles within the Province of British Columbia. It is established under the authority of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Grid Regulation. It is... -
Catalogue Entry: MTA - Mineral, Placer and Coal Tenure Spatial View
This is the spatial view used by Mineral Titles Online (MTO) on the mineral, placer and coal viewers. The spatial view combines the polygon information with attribute... -
Catalogue Entry: BC Greenhouse Gas Emissions Individual Facility Locations
Individual facilities with a specific geographic location for each reporting BC Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Part of the set of data for Industrial Facility Greenhouse Gas Emission... -
Catalogue Entry: Tourism Facilities for the Cariboo Region
Tourism use points of accomodations, satellite camps, attractions, and features-
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