Catalogue Entry: Courts - Appearances - 5 Yr Provincial Report - Dashboard
--- This is a 5 Year Provincial Report by court level, division and class, as represented in the Courts Dashboard. • “Scheduled Court Appearances” refers to the number of... -
Catalogue Entry: BEC Map - Attribute Catalogue
A list of the various 'regional' (zone/subzone/variant/phase) ecological units of the current biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification. At this 'regional' level, vegetation,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Bioterrain Mapping (TBT) Detailed Polygons with Short Attribute Table Spatial View
Bioterrain (TBT) contains polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes. TBT... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Fish Habitat Accessibility MODEL – Pacific Salmon and Steelhead
The Freshwater Fish Habitat Accessibility MODEL- Pacific Salmon and Steelhead predicts the potential extent of accessible freshwater habitat for Pacific Salmon species and... -
Catalogue Entry: Soil Parent Materials
The Soils Parent Materials raster prediction surface was crated using a Random Forest classifier trained with single component polygons from soils, terrain and ecosystem mapping... -
Catalogue Entry: Reconnaissance Karst Potential Mapping
An interpretation of bedrock geology, topography and other sources of information that shows the potential for karst formations. This is a reconnaissance level map for all of... -
Catalogue Entry: BEC Map
The current and most detailed version of the approved corporate provincial digital Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) Zone/Subzone/Variant/Phase map (version 12,...