Catalogue Entry: Invasive Plants - Gwaii Haanas
Areas with high potential for exotic introductions are monitored annually for new growth and new plants are treated as necessary.-
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Catalogue Entry: Coastal Process - Erosion and Accretion - Gwaii Haanas
Using permanent transects, geo indicators are tracked annually to monitor the effects of long term erosion and deposition processes and significant erosional events to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Stream Benthic Invertebrate Richness - Gwaii Haanas
The richness of benthic macro-invertebrate species is used to monitor the overall health of stream ecosystems in Gwaii Haanas. Any shifts in community composition, initially...-
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Catalogue Entry: Tundra - Area Burned - Prince Albert
This dataset identifies the location and area burned for fires within the current Prince Albert National Park boundary. All fires over 2 ha from 1930--2017 are included and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Mammal Diversity and Abundance - Prince Albert
Occupancy data for wildlife species are collected from seven snow track transects, where the presence or absence of tracks for each species is recorded every 100m. Tracks are...-
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Catalogue Entry: Piscivorous Fish Population and Structure - Prince Albert
Effort, catch, and biometric fish data are produced using the Summer Profundal Index Netting (SPIN) methodologies developed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources....-
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Catalogue Entry: Stream Hydrology - Terra Nova
Terra Nova National Park uses fixed station stream gauges and pressure temperature loggers to monitor the following stream flow aspects: Richards-Baker index of flashiness,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest change - Terra Nova
The park assesses expected ranges for each land cover type: successional stages by stand type, area regenerating after natural disturbance (e.g., fire), mature forest, non-...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wetland Anthropogenic Footprint - Terra Nova
The park maps the existing human footprint and footprint edge in Terra Nova.-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Decay Rate - Terra Nova
Terra Nova National Park monitors annual decay rate by measuring decomposition of tongue depressors buried within randomly selected Balsam Fir and Black Spruce plots.-
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Catalogue Entry: Plant Health Index - Terra Nova
This measure aims at monitoring forest plant community structure in Terra Nova National Park, including taxa richness, and presence of exotic species.-
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Catalogue Entry: Fish thermal stress - Terra Nova
Terra Nova National Park employs fixed station pressure/temperature loggers to continuously monitor stream water temperatures over the entire summer at designated stream study...-
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Catalogue Entry: Intertidal Invasive Species - Terra Nova
Terra Nova National Park monitors crab populations for the presence of the invasive European Green Crab; the abundance of native Rock Crab is also monitored. Park personnel uses...-
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Catalogue Entry: Pond Angling Stress - Terra Nova
The park monitors angling stress in several ponds (lakes) in Terra Nova with Fyke nets. Angling stress is assesed against calculated values of fish biomass and fish condition...-
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Catalogue Entry: Intertidal Community Similarity - Terra Nova
Terra Nova National Park monitors intertidal invertebrate communities using a line transect and quadrat sampling method. The survey focusses on invertebrate community...-
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Catalogue Entry: Balsam fir density - Terra Nova
This measure includes monitoring of browsing impacts of non-native mammals on populations of the balsam fir populations at 30 randomly selected plots. This measure records...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wetland Plant Taxa Richness - Terra Nova
Terra Nova National Park monitors wetland plant richness at 30 randomly selected plots along a 80 meter transect.-
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Catalogue Entry: Beavers - Active Lodges/Dams - Terra Nova
The park employs aerial surveys to map active beaver lodges/dams in Terra Nova. A selection of sites are ground-thruthed on foot or by canoe.-
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Catalogue Entry: Coastal Greater Yellowlegs Abundance - Terra Nova
Terra Nova National Park conducts weekly shorebird surveys during August and early September in order to monitor the abundance of Greater Yellowlegs and other shorebird species.-
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Catalogue Entry: Stream Invertebrate Taxa Richness - Terra Nova
Terra Nova National Park employs a kicknet sampling procedure to monitor the species richness and relative species abundance of stream invertebrates. Streams chosen for sampling...-
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