Catalogue Entry: Family Support Order Services (FSOS) Active Dependents 2008-2017
At each fiscal year end, provides the number of Maintenance Enforcement Program (MEP) and Child Recalculation Program (RP) files, the number of dependants who benefit from MEP,... -
Catalogue Entry: Number of Participants in the Registered Apprenticeship Program
The number of individuals in high school registered in the RAP, the number of individuals who participated in RAP in high school who are now registered in a regular... -
Catalogue Entry: Developing performance indicators for Alberta’s internal responsibility system
Contains research data collected in support of a 2017 study to pilot and benchmark potential performance measures for the internal responsibility system (IRS) and identify which... -
Catalogue Entry: Wages by immigrant status, occupation, type of work, and sex in Canada and...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on wages of employees by type of work (full- and part-time), immigrant status, industry by sex... -
Catalogue Entry: International Agri-Food Exports, Alberta
This Alberta Official Statistic provides information on Alberta total agri-food exports and top five export products from 2000 to 2014. Alberta’s international agri-food exports... -
Catalogue Entry: Merchandise Exports
Exports of goods to international destinations from a particular province or Canada. It does not include re-exports, i.e. goods that are being shipped out of the country after... -
Catalogue Entry: K-9 enrollments by municipality
Lists enrolment in kindergarten to Grade 9 by year, grade level, and municipality and municipal district. Enrolment count is determined by the number of students in kindergarten... -
Catalogue Entry: Top 3 Non-Local Acute Care Hospitals Accessed by Local Residents, Fiscal...
This table provides inpatient separations made by local area residents to the top three accessed non-local facilities. The data is provided for the most recent fiscal year... -
Catalogue Entry: Capital Plan details by ministry
This file contains the Capital Plan details by ministry, in PDF format. See the Related tab for these files in Excel format. -
Catalogue Entry: Residential share of property assessments by municipality
The percentage of total municipal property assessments represented by residential property, by year and municipality or municipal district. This measurement can be used as an... -
Catalogue Entry: Employment by NAICS 2, 3 and 4 digit, Alberta, Alberta economic regions and...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on the employment by NAICS 2,3, and 4 digit code by for Alberta, Alberta’s economic regions (ER)... -
Catalogue Entry: Households by structural type by municipality
Number of private households by year, municipality and the structural type of dwelling. -
Catalogue Entry: Irrigation in Alberta by District
This product provides information on Irrigation in Alberta by District, for an eight-year period. Total Assessment Roll Area, Acres Actually Irrigated by Alberta Districts are... -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of Major Alberta Projects
This Inventory lists projects in Alberta, valued at $5 million or greater, that have recently been completed, are currently under construction, or are proposed to start... -
Catalogue Entry: Distribution of Population by Age and Sex, Alberta
This Alberta Official Statistic compares the distribution of Alberta’s population by age and sex for two Census years (2006 and 2011). Age and sex are the most basic... -
Catalogue Entry: All Emergency Visit for Patients Residing in the Local Geographic Area (LGA)...
Provides a time profile of the number of emergency visits by day of the week. Data covers both semi-urgent and non-urgent emergency visit triage levels during the most recent... -
Catalogue Entry: Real Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices, Annual Percent Change, Canada...
This Alberta Official Statistic describes the percentage change in real gross domestic product at market prices (in chained 2017 dollars) for both Alberta and Canada for the... -
Catalogue Entry: Specified Gas Reporting Regulation Summary
Summary greenhouse gas emissions data for Alberta sites reporting under the Specified Gas Reporting Program -
Catalogue Entry: Business Incorporations
The number of businesses that are incorporated in Alberta under the Business Corporations Act. Non-Alberta incorporations constitute businesses that are registered in Alberta... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Wildlife Watch animal carcass records
The Alberta Wildlife Watch program collects data related to animal-vehicle collisions in Alberta. This data are records of animal carcasses resulting from animal-vehicle...