Catalogue Entry: Alberta Wheat Crop by Type - Area, Yield and Production
This product provides information on Alberta Wheat Crop by Type - Area, Yield and Production, over a ten-year period. Total number of All Wheat, Spring Wheat, Durum Wheat and... -
Catalogue Entry: Wages of employees by occupation, age and sex in Canada and provinces...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on the wages of employees by occupation (current dollars – full- and part-time) by age group and... -
Catalogue Entry: Tame Hay Acreage and Production for Alberta Census Divisions
This product provides information on Tame Hay Acreage and Production for Alberta Census Divisions, for a ten-year period. Alberta and Alberta Census Divisions' Total Number of... -
Catalogue Entry: Female stillbirths, birth weight by gestation period
Number of female stillbirths in the province of Alberta, by gestation period and birthweight. Please note: effective July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed for this... -
Catalogue Entry: PDD Active Caseload
The Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program provides services to help adults with developmental disabilities live as independently as possible in their... -
Catalogue Entry: 82 - Historical Forest Cover Series
This historical map series consists of Forest Cover printed monochrome maps named using the National Topographic System (NTS) map sheet identifier. This series is not updated... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force estimates by Aboriginal identity, education level, age, and sex...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on labour force estimates by aboriginal identity, education level, age, and sex for Canada and... -
Catalogue Entry: Establishment counts by NAICS 2012 (6 digits) and employment size ranges,...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on establishment counts by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012 using a 6... -
Catalogue Entry: Establishment counts by industry (NAICS 6 digits) and by employment size...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on business patterns by 6 digit North American Industry Classification (NAICS) and granular... -
Catalogue Entry: Motor Vehicle Accident Claims (MVAC)-Personal Injury Claims 2016-2017
This data set includes total number of claims paid for personal injury compensation under the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims (MVAC) program by date including total amount paid... -
Catalogue Entry: Retail Trade
The sales of all goods purchased for resale, minus returns and discounts. The retail trade sector includes companies engaged primarily in retailing merchandise. -
Catalogue Entry: Top 3 Non-Local Acute Care Hospitals Accessed by Local Residents, Fiscal...
This table provides inpatient separations made by local area residents to the top three accessed non-local facilities. The data is provided for the most recent fiscal year... -
Catalogue Entry: Childhood Immunization Coverage Rates, 2020
Table 5.2 presents the rates for childhood immunization coverage by the age of two for the local geographic area and Alberta. The data is provided for the most recent calendar... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Provincial Electoral Division Profiles - 2021 (Data for Alberta and...
Electoral Boundaries are defined by the Alberta Election Act, Chapter E-1, 2018. Provincial Electoral Divisions (PEDs) are territorial units represented by an elected Member to... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour Force Statistics by Industry (NAICS)
Provides statistics on the labour force, employment and unemployment by province and Industry -
Catalogue Entry: Total Number of Individuals Certified
Individuals issued more than one certificate in 2012 are counted here only once. ** Indicates that some, not all, branches of this trade have a Red Seal designation. N/A = Not... -
Catalogue Entry: Farm receipts by municipality
Lists number of farms, categorized by the value of farm receipts, by census year and municipal district. -
Catalogue Entry: Local Geographic Area Population as at End (i.e. Mar 31) of Fiscal Years 2001 - 2021
The population counts as at March 31 of each year, between 1998 and the most recent year are provided in Figure 2.2. This table is part of "Alberta Health Primary Health Care -... -
Catalogue Entry: Top 3 Non-Local Acute Care Hospitals Accessed by Local Residents, Fiscal...
This table provides inpatient separations made by local area residents to the top three accessed non-local facilities. The data is provided for the most recent fiscal year... -
Catalogue Entry: Per Capita Consumption of Meats in Canada and United States
This product provides information on the per capita consumption of meats (beef, veal, mutton/lamb, pork and poultry) in Canada and United States for a thirty-year period. Trend...