Catalogue Entry: Insurance Premium and Claims Data by Class of Insurance, Alberta, 2013
Data provided by insurers, on the premiums written and claims incurred for the 2013 fiscal year. Based on reporting on the consolidated pages of the P&C-1 or Life-1 Annual... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Education Schools and Authorities
Schools and school authorities in Alberta -
Catalogue Entry: Achievement Exam Results (Authority)
Provincial achievement exam results for all school authorities -
Catalogue Entry: Marriages, age of groom by age of bride
Number of marriages conducted in the province of Alberta, by the age of the bride and groom. Please note: effective July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed for this... -
Catalogue Entry: PDD - Caseload by Legal Authority
The Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program provides services to help adults with developmental disabilities live as independently as possible in their... -
Catalogue Entry: Health indicator : osteoporosis : age-sex specific incidence rate
This dataset presents information on age-sex specific incidence rates of osteoporosis for Alberta, expressed as per 100,000 population. -
Catalogue Entry: Aggregate Fee-For-Service Utilization by Local Area
This table provides statistics on Fee-For-Service Utilization by Local Geographic Area under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). These reports include payment and... -
Catalogue Entry: Land title transfers by municipality
Lists the annual number and value of land transfers in Alberta by municipality. This includes transfers of all or part of a land, transfers of minerals, surface, leasehold... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force estimates for off-reserve Aboriginals by education,...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present labour force estimates for off-reserve Aboriginals by education, student/non-student, age and sex for... -
Catalogue Entry: Employment by occupation, detailed age groups, sex, and immigrant status for...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present employment by immigrant status, occupation, age and sex for Canada and provinces (2006 to 2017). -
Catalogue Entry: Health Status Indicators for Zone versus Alberta Residents, 2019 and 2020
Table 1.2 shows zone-level health status indicators compared to the province for the two most recent calendar years available.For each healthcare status indicator, the table... -
Catalogue Entry: Historical royalty revenue
This data incorporates royalty revenue from 1970 to the present and is updated annually with royalty information from the previous year. The report is prepared by Energy's... -
Catalogue Entry: Greenhouse Industry, Alberta and Canada
This product provides information on Greenhouse Industry, Alberta and Canada, for a nine-year period. Alberta and Canada's Total Area (sq. ft.) and Total sales ($); and Alberta... -
Catalogue Entry: Zone versus Alberta Population, as at March 31, 2021
This tabe shows the zone-level population distribution compared to the province, by age group and gender, as at March 31 of the most recent fiscal year available. Children under... -
Catalogue Entry: Traffic volumes at points on the highway
Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors collects traffic volumes on provincial highways. The data is used to identify potential construction activities, maintenance needs... -
Catalogue Entry: Census of Agriculture, Farms and Land, Canada and Provinces
This Product provides information on Census of Agriculture, Farms and Land, Canada and Provinces, 1996-2011. Total Number of Farms and Percent Change(%) from previous Census... -
Catalogue Entry: Entity financial information (data files)
The Entity Financial Information data file reports selected statements for financial reporting entities that make up the consolidated government reporting entity of the... -
Catalogue Entry: List of Elements in Alberta - millipedes and centipedes
List of millipedes and centipedes documented for the province of Alberta including native as well as exotic (introduced) species. -
Catalogue Entry: Investments
Total private and public capital expenditures in any given year. This includes expenditures on construction, machinery and equipment. -
Catalogue Entry: List of Elements in Alberta - insects - earwigs, crawlers and termites
List of earwigs, crawlers and termites documented for the province of Alberta including native as well as exotic (introduced) species.