Catalogue Entry: Supreme Court of Canada Dataset 1975-2021
This dataset accompanies an edited volume on the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC). It contains meta data on 4142 SCC decisions between 1975 and 2021. It builds on CanLII data...-
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Catalogue Entry: Human Rights Tribunal Decisions on Transportation and Disability...
This dataset accompanies the article, Laverne A. Jacobs. "The Universality of the Human Condition: Theorizing Transportation Inequality Claims by Persons with Disabilities in...-
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Catalogue Entry: Traveling Judges: June 1, 2021 Demographics
We collected publicly available biographical and demographic information on all judges for each of the Standing International Forum of Commercial Courts (SIFOCC) members that...-
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Catalogue Entry: Refugee Law Lab - Canadian Legal Data
The Refugee Law Lab supports bulk open-access to Canadian legal data to facilitate research and advocacy. Bulk open-access helps avoid asymmetrical access-to-justice and... -
Catalogue Entry: Rental Market Summary
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Catalogue Entry: Demographics: Child Welfare Workers and Caregivers
Basic demographic information about the child welfare worker.-
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- html, pdf
Catalogue Entry: House prices and affordability
The new housing price index and the housing affordability index-
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Catalogue Entry: Child Welfare Workers and Caregivers
Since 2000, the Ontario Looking After Children (OnLAC) project has been a partnership between the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS) at the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Emergency Shelter Stays of Single Individuals in Canadian Cities
the patterns of emergency shelter stays of single persons in three Canadian cities of different sizes (i.e., Toronto, Ottawa, and Guelph). Similar to findings of previous...-
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Catalogue Entry: Homeless in Rural and Northern Ontario
Homelessness and Hidden Homelessness in Rural and Northern Ontario is the first study of its kind to empirically challenge these popular perceptions. In fact, as the analysis of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Patients Experiencing Homeless
The dataset describes hospital data for identifying patients experiencing homelessness-
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Catalogue Entry: Patterns and Intensity of Use of Homeless Shelters in Toronto
This dataset displays important differences in shelter use by single adults, youth, and families.-
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Catalogue Entry: People Experiencing Homelessness with Characteristics
People experiencing homelessness often come from time- and labour-intensive cross-sectional counts and surveys from selected samples. This study uses comprehensive...-
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Catalogue Entry: Adults in the Social Assistance Program Jan 2024
Statistics on adults receiving the Social Assistance Program.-
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- comma separated values(.csv)
Catalogue Entry: House Sales in Ontario
This dataset includes the listing prices for the sale of properties (mostly houses) in Ontario. They are obtained for a short period of time in July 2016 and include the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Toronto Real Estate Price History
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Catalogue Entry: Housing Data from zillow (multi download selection)
Housing data from the zillow-
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Catalogue Entry: household_expenses_canada_province
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Catalogue Entry: Homeless Shelter Use by Age and Community with Implications
The dataset illustrates three key results—that people experience sheltered homelessness in vastly different ways, that the experience varies by their age, and that these...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian Real Estate Association Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
These polygon files for the Greater Toronto Area of the MLS listing districts were created by the University of Guelph Data Resource Centre. These files were provided by U of...-
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