Catalogue Entry: Excellence in Service Delivery
This fact sheet outlines Shared Services Canada's various efforts in delivering more effective and efficient information technology services to Government of Canada departments...-
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Catalogue Entry: Progress on modernizing Government of Canada’s Information Technology systems
This fact sheet pertains to Shared Services Canada’s progress in delivering modern and transformed information technology infrastructure to better serve Canadians.-
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Catalogue Entry: Strengthening Cyber Security Protection
This fact sheet focuses on the protection of the Government of Canada's Information Technology infrastructure and how Budget 2016 resources enable Shared Services Canada to...-
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Catalogue Entry: How Shared Services Canada supports the 2018 G7 Summit
This fact sheet outlines how Shared Services Canada supports the 2018 G7 Summit.-
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Catalogue Entry: Audit of Project Cost Management
The objective of this audit is to provide assurance that governance, risk management and control processes for the cost management of SSC-led projects are in place and working...-
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Catalogue Entry: Employee Needs and Preferences for a Digital Workplace
This report was prepared for Shared Services Canada by Environics Research Group. This research was designed to engage the people who will use the digital workplace on their...-
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Catalogue Entry: Organizational Structure
Information on Shared Services Canada’s leaders and organizational branches.-
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Catalogue Entry: Book Two: Departmental Business
Shared Services Canada's fall 2019 transition material for the new Minister of Digital Government.-
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Catalogue Entry: Ministerial Briefing Materials for the Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of...
Shared Services Canada's fall 2019 transition material for the new Minister of Digital Government.-
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Catalogue Entry: Shared Services Canada COVID-19 Questions and Answers
Shared Services Canada (SSC) plays a vital role in supporting the Government departments that are providing critical services to Canadians. Amid the current COVID-19 Pandemic,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Chief Information Officer's Speaking Points - Big Data & Analytics Canada 2020 Summit
The speaking points for Shared Services Canada's Chief Information Officer at the Big Data and Analytics Canada Summit that took place February 13th, 2020.-
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Catalogue Entry: Shared Services Canada Disposition Strategic Plan
The purpose of the Shared Services Canada (SSC) Disposition Strategic Plan is to outline the strategy, plan and expected outcome for the disposition of its paper, electronic and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Audit of High Performance Computing Service
The audit examined the relevant processes and controls for High Performance Computing related to decision-making, capacity planning and client engagement. This audit was...-
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Catalogue Entry: Shared Services Canada Services and Information
Information about our services including: Cyber and IT security, Data Centre, Cloud services, Accessibility, Accommodation and Adaptive Computer Technology (AAACT), Workplace...-
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Catalogue Entry: Shared Services Canada Social Media Accounts Terms of Use
The terms of use of Shared Services Canada's social media accounts including, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn and RSS feeds.-
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Catalogue Entry: Shared Services Canada Privacy Impact Assessment Summaries
The summaries for completed Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) conducted by Shared Services Canada. Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) are used to identify the potential privacy...-
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Catalogue Entry: Making an Access to Information or Privacy Request
Information on making an Access to Information or Privacy (ATIP) request to Shared Services Canada including: possible delays in treating requests, submitting a request online,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ministerial Briefing Materials for the Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of...
Shared Services Canada's fall 2019 transition material for the new Minister of Digital Government. -
Catalogue Entry: Briefing package for a Committee of the Whole on Supplementary Estimates (A)...
Briefing materials prepared for the Honorable Joyce Murray, Minister of Digital Government, before the Committee of the Whole on Supplementary Estimates (A) 2020-2021 on June...-
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Catalogue Entry: Performance Management results for the Office of Audit and Evaluation
The Policy on Internal Audit and its associated Directive on Internal Audit came into force on April 1, 2017. The Directive on Internal Audit stipulates, “Departments must meet...-
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