Catalogue Entry: FSCD - Caseload by Service Category
The Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) program works with eligible families to provide support and services based on each child and family’s needs. Supports... -
Catalogue Entry: Cattle and calves by municipality
Total number of bulls, milk & beef cows, heifers, steers, and calves on farms located in the jurisdiction, by census year and municipal district. -
Catalogue Entry: Local Geographic Area (LGA) Age-Standardized Inpatient Separation (Sep)...
This table provides the age-standardized inpatient separation rates per 100,000 population for selected conditions. An inpatient separation from a health care facility occurs... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Municipal Election Results
The datasets contain a summary of the election results for general municipal elections and summer village elections sorted by each election year. Starting in 2017, the ministry... -
Catalogue Entry: Population Percentage of First Nations with Treaty Status and Inuit as at...
This table compares the local geographic percentage of the population that is First Nations with Treaty Status and Inuit compared to that of the province. This table is part of... -
Catalogue Entry: Wholesale Trade
The value of sales for wholesale merchants in Canada and the provinces. For this indicator seasonally adjusted estimates are shown. -
Catalogue Entry: Air quality index by municipality
Lists the percentage of hours for each year at a given air quality level, by municipality. The Air Quality Health Index is calculated based on the relative risks of a... -
Catalogue Entry: Achievement Exam Results (Province)
Provincial Achievement Exam results summary -
Catalogue Entry: Daily vehicles per km by municipality
The average daily number of vehicles travelling per kilometre of highway in a municipality. -
Catalogue Entry: Class size averages by school year, jurisdiction, and grade, Alberta
Class size averages as submitted by School Jurisdictions to Alberta Education from the 2004/05 to 2017/18 school year. Some additional information related to ESL, special needs,... -
Catalogue Entry: Fish stocking report
Information on the waterbody, species and strain, number of stocked fish, size, and week of stocking. Current year fish stocking information is updated regularly and subject to... -
Catalogue Entry: Population by municipality
Estimates of the number of people living in a municipality or municipal district, including Canadian citizens and immigrants as well as non-permanent residents, by year, age,... -
Catalogue Entry: 1M Base Map plus Forest Areas of Alberta - Provincial Base Map Series
This cartographic quality series of 1:1 000 000 scale colour maps cover the provincial extent of Alberta. The primary provincial base map displays the Alberta Township System... -
Catalogue Entry: Employment Rates for Off-Reserve Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal People, Alberta
This Alberta Official Statistic describes employment rates for off-reserve Aboriginal people and non-Aboriginal people living in Alberta for the period 2003-2014. The Employment... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour Force Survey estimates, population, labour force, employment,...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present labour force estimates by population, labour force, employment, employees, average hourly and weekly wage... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force estimates for off-reserve Aboriginals by education, age, and...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on labour force estimates for off-reserve aboriginals by education, age group, and sex in... -
Catalogue Entry: Census of Agriculture, Profile for Alberta
This Product provides information on Census of Agriculture, Profile for Alberta, 1991-2011. Number of Rural and Urban Population; Total Census Farms, Farm Operators; Average... -
Catalogue Entry: Total Number of Apprentices Registered by Trade
The total number of apprentices registered by trade and by year for the last six calendar years. Includes averages and per cent changes. -
Catalogue Entry: Statistical area classification areas and custom statistical area...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information from the National Household Survey (NHS). The profile includes the following information of... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Brand Inspection Record of Live Cattle and Calf Shipments Out-of-Province
This product provides information on Alberta Brand Inspection Record of Live Cattle and Calf Shipments Out-of-Province, over a two-year period. Total Shipments Number of...