Catalogue Entry: Labour force estimates by sex, age, education, kind of school, immigrant...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on Labour Force Survey estimates by sex, age groups (15-64), education level, kind of school,... -
Catalogue Entry: Average Calf Prices, Northern Alberta
This product provides information on Average Calf Prices, Northern Alberta, for a twelve-year period. Prices for Feeder Steers and Feeder Heifers by Lbs-ranges; and monthly... -
Catalogue Entry: Livestock Slaughtered, Canada and Provinces
This product provides information on Livestock (Cattle and Calves, Hogs, Sheep and Lamb) Slaughtered, Canada and Provinces, for an eight-year period. Annual Percent Change of... -
Catalogue Entry: Selected Economic Indicators, Canada and Alberta
This product provides Selected Economic Indicators for a thirty-five year period, such as Alberta vs. Canada's Consumer Price Index; Canada Interest (Bank and Prime) Rates; and... -
Catalogue Entry: Aboriginal identity, housing suitability, condition of dwelling, number of...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on Aboriginal identity, housing suitability, condition of dwelling, number of persons per room,... -
Catalogue Entry: Semi-custom profile (age, sex, marital status, families, households,...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on the 2011 census semi-custom profile (age, sex, marital status, families, households,... -
Catalogue Entry: Inpatient Separations for the Local Geographic Area Residents To Facilities...
This table provides the number of inpatient separations made by local residents to facilities within the local geographic area as well as facilities outside of it. The data is... -
Catalogue Entry: Frequency and ranking of baby names by year and gender
The frequency and ranking of first names given to babies born in the province of Alberta, by year of birth and gender of the baby. -
Catalogue Entry: Population of Canada and Provinces
This product provides information on Population of Canada and Provinces on July 1 for a 15-year period. Five-year percent Change of 2014 over 2010; and the Percent Share of... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Agri-Food Exports to Asia - Value
This product provides information on the Value ($) and Percent Change(%) from previous Year of Alberta Agri-Food Exports to Asia, for a five-year period. Top Five Markets in... -
Catalogue Entry: Oil production by municipality
Annual conventional and non-conventional oil (including unprocessed bitumen and synthetic oil) production, by municipal district. -
Catalogue Entry: List of Elements in Alberta - insects - mantises and scorpion flies
List of mantises and scorpion flies documented for the province of Alberta including native as well as exotic (introduced) species. -
Catalogue Entry: FactSheet11-The_Evolution_of_Alberta_Survey_Control.pdf
This fact sheet discusses the history of the survey control in Alberta including the development of the Alberta Survey Control (ASC) network, surveying infrastructure, the... -
Catalogue Entry: Physician Headcount by Specialty for Fee-For-Service (FFS), Alternative...
This table provides a comparison of annual statistics on Physician headcount by Specialty for Fee-For-Service (FFS), Alternative Relationship Plan (ARP) and Blended under the... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Tax Advantage, 2012
The Alberta Tax Advantage is a set of estimates of the additional tax burdens Albertans and Alberta businesses would be subject to if Alberta had the tax systems of other... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta annual births totals
Total number of live births occurring in the province of Alberta, by year. Please note: effective July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed for this dataset. -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Post-secondary Graduate Earnings by Field of Study
Graduates from Alberta's publicly funded post-secondary institutions are followed over time to study the dynamics of their income. Income information is collected by linking... -
Catalogue Entry: Percentage Distribution of Local Geographic Area (LGA) versus Alberta...
Figure 2.1 profiles the population distribution by age group for both the local geographic area and Alberta, as at March 31 of the most recent fiscal year available. This table... -
Catalogue Entry: Semi-custom profile for Alberta and Alberta Enterprise and Advanced...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information from the National Household Survey (NHS) from the first and second releases. The profile... -
Catalogue Entry: Zone versus Alberta Infant Mortality Rates (per 1,000 live births) Years 2015 - 2017
Table 1.3 reports the infant mortality rates per 1,000 live births for the zone and the province, for the most recent calendar years available. This table is part of "Alberta...