Catalogue Entry: Examining differences in leading and lagging indicators of worker health and...
Contains research data collected in support of a study to apply a conceptual framework of occupational health and safety vulnerability to a sample of Alberta workers, which was... -
Catalogue Entry: Total Fertility Rate, Alberta and Alberta Health Services Continuum Zones
This Alberta Official Statistic compares the total fertility rate (TFR) across the five Alberta Health Services Continuum Zones for 2014. The TFR represents the number of... -
Catalogue Entry: Annual Population Estimates (July 1), Alberta, 1972 to 2015
This Alberta Official Statistic presents the annual population estimates for Alberta. These data are used to inform policy and planning decisions, budgetary decisions, and... -
Catalogue Entry: Educational Attainment of Rural and Small Town Albertans (25 to 64 Years of Age)
This Alberta Official Statistic describes the highest level of educational attainment among the population (25 to 64 years of age) in 2011. The population is divided into larger... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force estimates by Aboriginal identity, educational attainment, age...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on labour force estimates for the Aboriginal identity population by educational attainment, age... -
Catalogue Entry: Durum Wheat Acreage and Production for Alberta Census Divisions
This product provides information on Durum Wheat Acreage and Production for Alberta Census Divisions, for a ten-year period. Alberta and Alberta Census Divisions' Total number... -
Catalogue Entry: Oil CStar Licensee Report Mock-up for IB 2022-02
Mock-up report referenced in IB 2022-02 for industry feedback. -
Catalogue Entry: 2M Base Map plus Green/White Area - Provincial Base Map Series
This cartographic quality series of printable 1:2 000 000 scale colour maps cover the provincial extent of Alberta. The 1:2 000 000 scale maps are a generalized small scale... -
Catalogue Entry: Population Growth in Alberta and Canada Between Census Years
This Alberta Official Statistic compares Alberta and Canada’s population growth rates between the 1986 and 2011 Censuses of Population. Population growth is the increase (or... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Geographic Area (LGA) Age-Standardized Inpatient Separation (Sep)...
This figure provides the age-standardized inpatient separation rates per 100,000 population for selected conditions. An inpatient separation from a health care facility occurs... -
Catalogue Entry: Employment by occupation by age, sex, country of birth, and immigrant status...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on employment by occupation by detailed age groups, sex, country of birth, and immigrant status... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Geographic Area (LGA) Age-Standardized Inpatient Separation Rates (per...
Figure 9.2 provides the age-standardized inpatient separation rates per 100,000 population for selected conditions for most recent fiscal year. An inpatient separation from a... -
Catalogue Entry: Same gender marriages, marital status of spouse 2 by marital status of spouse 1
Number of same gender marriages conducted in the province of Alberta, by marital status of the spouses prior to the marriage. Please note: effective July 30, 2021 csv file... -
Catalogue Entry: Manufacturing Shipments
Dollar value of sales of goods manufactured by Canadian establishments in the manufacturing sector. For this indicator seasonally adjusted estimates are shown, unless otherwise... -
Catalogue Entry: Stocks of Grain on Alberta Farms on July 31
This product provides information on Stocks of Grain (All Wheat, Oats, Barley, All Rye, Flaxseed and Canola) on Alberta Farms on July 31, over 34 year are included. -
Catalogue Entry: Number of FOIP requests made to the Alberta Government by Requestor Type
The number of FOIP requests made to the Alberta Government, by year of request, public body, and type of requestor. -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force estimates by industry (NAICS 2, 3, and 4 Digits), Canada and...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on labour force estimates by industry (NAICS 2, 3, and 4 digits) in Canada and Alberta from... -
Catalogue Entry: Risk assessment for work-related musculoskeletal injury using wearable sensors
Contains research data collected in support of a study investigating wearable inertial measurement units for body posture, fatigue, & ergonomic risk assessments in long-term... -
Catalogue Entry: Canola Acreage and Production for Alberta Census Divisions
This product provides information on Canola Acreage and Production for Alberta Census Divisions, for a ten-year period. Alberta and Alberta Census Divisions' Total Number of... -
Catalogue Entry: Average Weekly Earnings
Average weekly earnings are derived by dividing total weekly earnings (including overtime earnings) by the number of employees. This data is compiled from the Survey of...