Catalogue Entry: Male stillbirths, birth weight by gestation period
Number of male stillbirths in the province of Alberta, by gestation period and birth weight. Please note: effective July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed for this... -
Catalogue Entry: Apprenticeship and Provincial Labour Force Statistics
An overview of apprenticeship (total and new registrations) and labour force statistics (labour force, number employed and unemployed, and unemployment rate) for the last six... -
Catalogue Entry: Energy Prices
Prices in US dollars per barrel of WCS oil and in Canadian dollars per gigajoule of natural gas. -
Catalogue Entry: Motor Vehicle Accident Claims (MVAC)-Medical Claims 2011-2016
This data set includes total number and value of invoices paid for medical claims under the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims (MVAC) program by date including total new applications... -
Catalogue Entry: Knowledge of Language of Aboriginal Identity Population, Canada, Provinces...
This Alberta Official Statistic compares the knowledge of languages among the Aboriginal Identity population in provinces and territories, based on self-assessment of the... -
Catalogue Entry: Cropland by municipality
Total area of land dedicated to growing crops of various types, by municipal district, type of crop and census year. -
Catalogue Entry: Employment Rates, Canada and Provinces
This Alberta Official Statistic compares the employment rates of Canada and all provinces from 1976 to 2014. The employment rate measures the number of people employed out of... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Geographic Area (LGA) Age-Standardized Mortality Rates (per 100,000...
This table provides the age-standardized mortality rates per 100,000 population, for the three selected causes of death and all causes combined. The three selected causes of... -
Catalogue Entry: Publicly-funded post-secondary enrolments - program completions in...
This dataset provides the number of program completions in Alberta's publicly-funded post-secondary system by field of study and by academic year, from 2004/05 to 2013/14.... -
Catalogue Entry: Health indicator : current smoking
This dataset presents information on the proportion of the population who are currently daily smokers. -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Provincial Electoral Division Profiles - 2011 (complete data set for 87 PEDs)
Electoral Boundaries are defined by the Alberta Electoral Divisions Act, Chapter E-4.1, 2010. Provincial Electoral Divisions (PEDs) are territorial units represented by an... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Major Crops - Yield
This product provides information on Alberta Major Crops - Yield, over a fifty-year period. Number of Bushels per Acre Yield for All Wheat, Oats, Barley, Flaxseed, Canola, and... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force and employment by 3 and 4 digit NAICS, Alberta, quarterly
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on labour force and employment quarterly average estimates from Quarter 1, 2014 to Quarter 2,... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour Force Survey estimates, average hourly and weekly wage rate by 3 and...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present labour force survey estimates (population, labour force, employment, employees), average hourly and weekly... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force estimates by detailed industry, sex and age for Canada and...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information labour force estimates by detailed industry, sex and age group for Canada and provinces (annual... -
Catalogue Entry: Greenhouse gas emissions by municipality
Amount of CO2-equivalent emissions from facilities emitting over 10kt, as required by Canada's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, by year and municipality or municipal district.... -
Catalogue Entry: Proportion of Population Aged 25-64 with Post-Secondary Education, Alberta and Canada
This Alberta Official Statistic describes the proportion of the population aged 25-64 with postsecondary education for Alberta and Canada for the period 2004–2014. Educational... -
Catalogue Entry: Health indicator : hospital ambulatory care case costs : CACS - 2014 version
This dataset presents information on hospital ambulatory care case costing. -
Catalogue Entry: Farm Cash Receipts by Type, Alberta and Canada
This product provides information on Farm Cash Receipts by Type, Alberta and Canada, over a two year span. It included calculated Percent Change from previous year; Percent of... -
Catalogue Entry: Municipal Co-Operative Seed Cleaning in Alberta
This product provides information on Municipal Co-Operative Seed Cleaning in Alberta, over a ten-year period. Total Seed Bushels, Dockage Removal, Total Cleaning, Per Plant...