Catalogue Entry: Semi-custom profile for Canada, provinces and territories and census...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information from the National Household Survey (NHS) from the first and second releases. The profile... -
Catalogue Entry: Distribution of the Immigrant Population by Age and Sex, Alberta
This Alberta Official Statistic describes the distribution of the immigrant population by age and sex in Alberta for 2011. Immigrants are persons who are, or have ever been,... -
Catalogue Entry: Population
Estimates of the number of people living in Canada and the provinces. They include Canadian citizens and immigrants as well as non-permanent residents. -
Catalogue Entry: Value of Alberta Farm Capital and Value Per Acre of Farm Land and Buildings
This product provides information on Alberta Farm capital and Value Per Acre of Farm Land and Building, at July 1, for a 30-year period. Detailed values on Livestock and... -
Catalogue Entry: Census Farm Numbers and Average Farm Size, Alberta
This Alberta Official Statistic describes the number of farms in operation and the average size of farms in Alberta at the time of the Census of Agriculture. The Census of... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Population Projections, 2020-2046 - Alberta, Census Divisions and...
These long-term population projections by single year of age and sex have been developed by applying the component cohort survival model to assumptions about future trends in... -
Catalogue Entry: Employment by industry, age, sex and immigrant status for Canada and...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on employment by industry, detailed age groups, sex and immigrant status for Canada and... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Municipal Officials directory
The Municipal Officials Directory contains up-to-date contact information on municipal officials for Alberta municipalities, Special Areas, Metis Settlements, regional services... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Geographic Area (LGA) Age-Standardized Inpatient Separation (Sep)...
This table provides the age-standardized inpatient separation rates per 100,000 population for selected conditions. An inpatient separation from a health care facility occurs... -
Catalogue Entry: Population Change, Rural and Small Town Alberta
This Alberta Official Statistic describes the percent change in Alberta’s population between 1986 and 2011 by 5-year census cycles. The population is divided into "Larger Urban... -
Catalogue Entry: Major Commercial Vegetable Production, Alberta
This product provides information on Major Commercial Vegetable Production, Alberta, for an eight year period. Total Acres of Harvested Area, tonnes of Production, and Total $... -
Catalogue Entry: Median Earnings of Full Time Workers (25-64 Years) by Highest Level of...
This Alberta Official Statistic describes the median earnings of full-time Alberta workers (25-64 years) by highest level of education and sex for the year 2010. The levels of... -
Catalogue Entry: Ambulatory Care Visits for the Local Geographic Area (LGA) Residents to...
This table provides the number of ambulatory care visits made by local are residents to facilities within the local geographic area as well as facilities outside of it. The data... -
Catalogue Entry: Number of employees, average hourly earnings and average actual hours by...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on the number of employees, average hourly earnings and average actual hours by gender, age... -
Catalogue Entry: Ambulatory Care Visits for the Local Geographic Area (LGA) Residents to...
Table 11.1 Ambulatory Care provides the number of ambulatory care visits made by local are residents to facilities within the local geographic area as well as facilities outside... -
Catalogue Entry: Real Gross Domestic Product for Primary Agriculture Industries, Alberta and Canada
This Alberta Official Statistic presents annual per cent change for Alberta and Canada real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Primary Agriculture Industries, 2008-2014. Gross... -
Catalogue Entry: Total temporary residents by municipality
Temporary resident permit holders with a valid permit on December 31st of each year. This measure only counts the most-recently-signed permit of each type. -
Catalogue Entry: Wages of employees by industry (current dollars – full- and part-time) by...
This information product has been customized to present information on the wages of employees by industry (current dollars – full- and part-time) by age group and sex for Canada... -
Catalogue Entry: High School to Post-Secondary Transition Rate by Post-Secondary Service Region
Post-Secondary Transition Rate (4 year) is the percentage of students in the grade 10 cohort who have entered a post-secondary-level program at an Alberta post-secondary... -
Catalogue Entry: Occupational injuries in inter-provincial workers
The OHS Futures Research Funding Program provided a grant to the researcher. The researcher used the grant to study occupational injuries in inter-provincial workers in Alberta....