Catalogue Entry: Retirement median age by sex and major industry by sex, Canada and provinces...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present retirement median age by sex and major industry (NAICS 2 digit) for Canada and Provinces from 1987 to 2018. -
Catalogue Entry: Interprovincial Tax and Health Premium Comparison, 2014
Four family profiles, comprising both one and two income families, are used to demonstrate the different tax burdens faced across provinces. The total tax load comprises... -
Catalogue Entry: Life expectancy by municipality
Lists the life expectancy at year of birth, by gender, year, and , municipality and municipal district. Life expectancy is the average number of years a hypothetical birth... -
Catalogue Entry: Census of Agriculture, Alberta Farm Operators
This Product provides information on Census of Agriculture, Alberta Farm Operators, 1996-2011. Total number of Census Farms and Total Farm Operators, Average Age (years) of Farm... -
Catalogue Entry: Retirement age by sex and by class of worker for Canada and provinces...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on retirement age by sex and class of worker for Canada and provinces from 1976 to 2012 (annual... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta public library statistics
The annual datasets in this record include financial information (revenues and expenditures) and output measures for public libraries and public library systems in Alberta.... -
Catalogue Entry: Live births, age of mother by total live births
Number of babies born in the province of Alberta, by age of mother and birth order. Please note: effective July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed for this dataset. -
Catalogue Entry: Oil and Gas Industry Investment (Annual), Alberta
This Alberta Official Statistic describes investment (capital expenditures) in Alberta’s Oil and Gas Industry. Oil and Gas Industry data is obtained from Statistics Canada.... -
Catalogue Entry: Top 3 Non-Local Ambulatory Care Facilities Accessed by Local Residents,...
This table provides ambulatory care visits made by local area residents to the top three accessed non-local facilities. The data is provided for the most recent fiscal year... -
Catalogue Entry: Births, marriages and deaths by municipality and year
Information on the numbers and rates of births, marriages and deaths in Alberta by municipality. -
Catalogue Entry: Edmonton Nutritious Food Basket - Weekly Average Cost for a Family of Four
This product provides information on the annual weekly average cost ($) per month and annual average of Nutritious Food Basket items for a Family of four in Edmonton. Total... -
Catalogue Entry: River Water Quality Index, Alberta
This Alberta Official Statistic describes how the River Water Quality Index (RWQI) for Alberta provides a general assessment of water quality at 28 Long-Term River Network... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Farm Cash Receipts by Type
This product provides information on Farm Cash Receipts by Type, Alberta during a 30-year period. It includes type of farm cash Market Receipts (Crops, Livestock and Livestock... -
Catalogue Entry: International Roughness Index and rut data
This dataset contains pavement roughness and rut depth measured on provincial highways, summarized in 50 metre segments within the lane that the measure was taken. -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta annual deaths totals
Total number of deaths occurring in the province of Alberta, by year. -
Catalogue Entry: Health indicator : overweight
This dataset presents information on the proportion of the population self-reporting in categories "under weight", "normal", "overweight", and "obese". -
Catalogue Entry: Interprovincial Migration to and from Alberta
This Alberta Official Statistic compares interprovincial migration to other provinces and territories from Alberta and from other provinces and territories to Alberta between... -
Catalogue Entry: Wages by immigrant status, industry, type of work, and sex for Canada and...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on wages of employees by type of work (full- and part-time), immigrant status, industry by sex... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Century Farm and Ranch Awards
Contains two datasets listing recipients of the Alberta Century Farm and Ranch Award. The award recognizes farm families who have continuously owned and actively operated the... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Agri-Food Exports to Mexico - Value
This product provides information on the Value ($) and Percent Change(%) from previous Year of Alberta Agri-Food Exports to Mexico, for a five-year period. Total Value Exports...