Catalogue Entry: BodySafe
Starting July 1, 2013, under the revised Municipal Code Chapter 545, Licensing By-Law, all establishments offering hairstyling or barbering services were required to get a PSS... -
Catalogue Entry: Apartment Building Evaluation
RentSafeTO: Apartment Building Standards is a bylaw enforcement program established in 2017 to ensure that owners and operators of apartment buildings with three or more storeys... -
Catalogue Entry: Development Applications
This dataset lists all currently active (open) and inactive (closed) Community Planning applications and Committee of Adjustment applications received by the City between... -
Catalogue Entry: Building Permits - Cleared Permits
Provides information on Building Permits completed/closed. A building permit is a municipally issued permit, required by the Building Code Act and enforced by the City of... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Branch Programs and Events Feed
JSON data providing details on upcoming programs and events offered at Toronto Public Library branches. It includes a description of the events, when and where they’re... -
Catalogue Entry: Short Term Rentals Registration
The short-term rental regulation is based on Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 547, Licensing and Registration of Short-Term Rentals. A short-term rental is all or part of a... -
Catalogue Entry: Highrise Residential Fire Inspection Results
Indicates properties where violations have been found by an Inspector which are required to be fixed for compliance at the time with the Ontario Fire Code as well as properties... -
Catalogue Entry: Address Points (Municipal) - Toronto One Address Repository
The One Address Repository data set provides a point representation for over 500,000 addresses within the City of Toronto. Each address point is described with a series of... -
Catalogue Entry: Street Tree Data
This data primarily pertains to City-owned trees located on road allowances across Toronto. The intent of the database is to provide an inventory of City owned-trees on the road... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Open Data Intake
This dataset displays the Open Data intake queue in its raw form. Data here contains attributes relating to how the Toronto Open Data team manages its various requests for... -
Catalogue Entry: Daily Shelter & Overnight Service Occupancy & Capacity
This data set provides a daily list of active overnight shelter and allied services in the Toronto Shelter and Support Services division's Shelter Management Information System... -
Catalogue Entry: Polls conducted by the City
The City Clerk's Office is responsible for conducting polls on behalf of City divisions. Polls are conducted to establish the opinions of residents and businesses on various... -
Catalogue Entry: Traffic Signal Timing
This dataset contains traffic signal phasing and interval sequences that were in effect for the past seven days at approximately 2300 traffic signals that operate on the City’s...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Rain Gauge Locations and Precipitation
This dataset contains the locations of all rain gauge equipment across the city of Toronto as well as the precipitation measured. The City's rain gauge network consists of... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Bids Solicitations
The Solicitations for the Purchase of Goods and Services dataset contains a list and summary of information about competitive solicitations for the City of Toronto (e.g. Request... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Bids Awarded Contracts
The Competitive Contracts dataset contains a list and summary of information about competitive contract that have been cancelled or awarded for goods and various services for... -
Catalogue Entry: Outbreaks in Toronto Healthcare Institutions
Under the Ontario Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA), healthcare institutions (hospitals, long-term care homes and retirement homes) are required to monitor staff and... -
Catalogue Entry: City Council and Committees Meeting Schedule Reports
This open data set provides access to meeting schedule data extracted from TMMIS. You can also access previous term meeting schedule data. City Council approves an annual... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Centreline (TCL)
The Toronto Centreline is a data set of linear features representing streets, walkways, rivers, railways, highways and administrative boundaries within the City of Toronto. Each... -
Catalogue Entry: Members of Toronto City Council - Meeting Attendance
This dataset includes the legislative meeting attendance data for Members of Toronto City Council Meeting Attendance. For official definitions and procedure by-law information,...