Catalogue Entry: City of Toronto Free Public WiFi
Location and description data of all City of Toronto free public WiFi locations -
Catalogue Entry: Real Estate Asset Inventory
This dataset contains the City of Toronto's real estate asset portfolio -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Affordable Housing Pipeline
This section contains data on upcoming affordable rental homes that are in development and have received an approval from City Council either as initial approval for financial... -
Catalogue Entry: Open Data Web Analytics
This dataset contains web analytics (statistics) capturing visitors' usage of datasets published on the City of Toronto Open Data Portal.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Imagination, Manufacturing, Innovation and Technology (IMIT) Program Recipients
Toronto’s Imagination, Manufacturing, Innovation and Technology (IMIT) business incentive supports new building construction and/or building expansion in targeted sectors and... -
Catalogue Entry: Short Term Rental Registration & Enforcement overview
In Toronto, short-term rentals are regulated by the Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 547, Licensing and Registration of Short-Term Rentals. The City provides key program data... -
Catalogue Entry: Bridge Structures
Like all infrastructure, bridges and structures require ongoing maintenance. Regular inspections help the City ensure that its bridges and structures are well maintained and are... -
Catalogue Entry: Bicycle Parking Racks
Shapefile of permanent and seasonal multiple-capacity bicycle parking racks installed and managed by the Cycling Infrastructure and Programs Unit -
Catalogue Entry: Death Registry Statistics
This dataset includes information relating to the registration of deaths documented by Registry Services staff located in four of the civic centres (Scarborough, North York,... -
Catalogue Entry: Stillbirth Registration Statistics
This dataset includes information about registration of stillbirths documented by Registry Services at the Etobicoke Civic Centre. Registration of stillbirths is entered into... -
Catalogue Entry: Marriage Licence Statistics
The dataset is created in support of the Marriage Act and the Vital Statistics Act, both of which are Provincial legislations. The dataset also supports the City's operational... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Signature Sites
This dataset provides a collection of large industrial & commercial properties for sale or lease in Toronto. Signature Sites is a listing of select industrial and commercial... -
Catalogue Entry: Web Analytics
See Readme File This dataset contains web analytics (statistics) capturing visitors' usage of internet web pages published on the City of Toronto website toronto.ca. -
Catalogue Entry: Affordable Housing Pipeline
This section contains data on upcoming affordable rental homes that are in development and have received an approval from City Council either as initial approval for financial... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Bids Non-Competitive Contracts
The Non-Competitive Contracts dataset contains a list of non-competitive contracts processed by the Purchasing and Materials Management Division on behalf of the City of... -
Catalogue Entry: Green Spaces
Green Spaces is a geospatial dataset of polygons that is a point-in-time generalized representation of existing parks and open spaces within the City of Toronto. Green Spaces... -
Catalogue Entry: Parks and Recreation Facilities
This data set, for each of the City of Toronto's parks and community recreation centres, provides location information and a select list of twenty amenities that could be found... -
Catalogue Entry: Clothing Drop-Box Locations
This dataset provides information on the location and operators of permitted clothing drop boxes. The Clothing Drop Box by-law ensures that the public is aware of where used... -
Catalogue Entry: Municipal Licensing and Standards - Business Licences and Permits
Category - Type of licence or permit Licence No - Number of licence issued by City of Toronto Operating Name - Name that company operates under Issued - Date of issue of... -
Catalogue Entry: Non Regulated Lead Sample
The City's Residential Lead Testing Program is a non-regulated program provided free of charge to residents concerned about the possibility of lead in their tap drinking water....