Catalogue Entry: New Brunswick Provincial Parks
Dataset represents administrative boundaries of provincial parks and promote the use of a common geometric representation. -
Catalogue Entry: New Brunswick Federal Parks and Protected Areas
Dataset represents administrative boundaries of national parks and promote the use of a common geometric representation.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data
List of datasets for parks in Nova Scotia. Information collected through the reservation system for the general public to reserve camping sites in the Nova Scotia Provincial Parks. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2012
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2012. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2013
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2013. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2014
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2014. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2015
Dataset records booking information of camping sites in Nova Scotia's provincial parks in 2015. It includes information about dates, party size and the demographics of the guests. -
Catalogue Entry: Shubenacadie Wildlife Park Attendance in Nova Scotia
Dataset records park attendance: number of visitors to the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park weekly, broken down by adult, youth, and child. -
Catalogue Entry: Recreational Fishing Sites in Ontario
Find recreational fishing sites in Toronto and surrounding areas. The chart lists the facilities available at 52 of the more accessible locations in the Greater Toronto Region....-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Recreation and Community Centres in Hamilton
Location of recreation and community centres in Hamilton. -
Catalogue Entry: Park Asset Inventory of Winnipeg
A comprehensive database of assets managed by the Parks and Open Space division. The asset inventory includes everything from Parks down to fixtures in the park (such as benches... -
Catalogue Entry: Provincial Day-use and Camping Park Entrances in Nova Scotia
A listing of Provincial Day-use and Camping Park Entrances coordinates. -
Catalogue Entry: Outdoor Recreation Polygons in Halifax
Polygon representations of HRM owned or maintained outdoor recreation areas such as active use areas, sport fields, sport courts, ball diamonds, and water related areas. -
Catalogue Entry: Conservation Reserve Regulated in Ontario
Dataset records land set aside under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Heritage Values Areas in Ontario
Dataset of all unregulated but identified protected areas, including recommended provincial parks, conservation reserves, proposed protected areas and forest reserves. Also... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Trail Network (OTN) Segment
This spatial dataset represents segments of trails in the Ontario Trail Network (OTN). The OTN contains geospatial networks of trails in urban, rural and wilderness settings... -
Catalogue Entry: Trail segments in Ontario
Dataset identifies the location and types of Trail Segments which are commonly found on maps for land use planning and recreation management purposes. The dataset contains line... -
Catalogue Entry: The Open Database of Recreational and Sport Facilities
The Open Database of Recreational and Sport Facilities (ODRSF) is a collection of open data containing the names, types, and locations of recreational and sport facilities... -
Catalogue Entry: Provincial Parks Campground Occupancy in Prince Edward Island
Site nights available and sold by year for all the Provincial Parks Campgrounds in Prince Edward Island.-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
Catalogue Entry: The Nova Scotia Protected Areas System
These lands help preserve Nova Scotia’s natural values through a blend of legislation, ownership and management. Included here are: National Parks, National Wildlife Areas,... -
Catalogue Entry: Manitoba Provincial Forests
Manitoba's Provincial Forest Boundaries (version 6): There are currently 15 provincial forests totalling almost 22,000 km2. Attributes include the name of the provincial forest,... -
Catalogue Entry: Municipal Parks in Ontario
The datset provides the locations and types of Municipal Parks in Ontario. Municipal Parks are public lands set aside for recreation purposes or to protect natural and cultural... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Trail Network (OTN) Access Point
This spatial dataset represents the main access points to a trail system that is part of the Ontario Trail Network (OTN). This layer should be used together with OTN Segment.... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Archaeological Sites
A term and condition of holding an archaeological licence is to file Site Record forms for every new site discovered and Site Update forms for any revisit to a previously... -
Catalogue Entry: Fishing Access Point in Ontario
Dataset records sites where anglers can access fishing locations. -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Trail Survey 2014
Dataset contains trail users information, such as amount of time spent in trails and amount of money spent during trail use. -
Catalogue Entry: Park Administration Zone in Ontario
Dataset records the boundaries of provincial park administration zones in Ontario. -
Catalogue Entry: Picnic Parks in Ontario
This dataset shows MTO managed/maintained picnic park locations. It was created as part of the Digital Cartographic Reference Base (DCRB) for the production of Official Road Map... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Parks Camping Permit Purchaser Locations (overnight)
A generalized summary of postal code data, of Canadian purchases of overnight camping permits for use at Ontario Parks. Includes a summary by country for non-Canadians. The data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Manitoba Parks - Winter Recreation Trails
Dataset records a polyline feature layer of winter trails in Manitoba provincial parks. The feature layer contains polylines showing locations of winter trails in Manitoba...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
- GeoDatabase
Catalogue Entry: Parks and green spaces in the city of Saguenay Quebec
All parks and green spaces in the city of Saguenay in Quebec. -
Catalogue Entry: Parks of the City of Repentigny in Quebec
Footprint and location of the parks of the City of Repentigny in Quebec. -
Catalogue Entry: Sports and leisure facilities in the city of Sherbrooke in Quebec
Sports and leisure facilities including: arenas, slides, water games, iron and shuffleboard games, game modules, skateboard modules, ice rinks, swimming pools, multifunctional... -
Catalogue Entry: Parks and green spaces in the City of Shawinigan in Quebec
Polygonal layer of parks and green spaces maintained by the municipality of Shawinigan. -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Area Burned - Prince Albert National Park
This dataset identifies the location and area burned for fires within the current Prince Albert National Park boundary. All fires over 2 ha from 1930--2017 are included and...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Aquatic Invasive Species in Prince Albert National Park - Saskatchewan
Aquatic invasive species sampling data for Prince Albert National Park.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Snowpack - Wapusk National Park Manitoba
Wapusk National Park is a sub-Arctic protected area covered with snow for over half of the year. Snowpack characteristics can provide important clues to impacts of climate...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Saskatchewan Parks Boundaries
The Saskatchewan Parks Boundaries dataset includes Provincial Parks (PP), Recreation Sites (RS), and Historic Sites (HS) as described in the The Parks Act, The Recreation Sites... -
Catalogue Entry: PCS Regions in Saskatchewan
Dataset contains the boundaries of regions of provincial parks, recreation sites, protected areas and historic sites in Saskatchewan. -
Catalogue Entry: PCS Regional Parks in Saskatchewan
Dataset contains the approved boundary of regional parks in Saskatchewan under The Regional Parks Act, 2013. -
Catalogue Entry: National Parks and Historic Sites Attendance in Canada in 2023-24
This dataset records attendance data for national parks and historic sites in Canada in 2023-24. -
Catalogue Entry: National Parks and Historic Sites Attendance in Canada in 2022-23
This dataset records attendance data for national parks and historic sites in Canada in 2022-23. -
Catalogue Entry: National Parks and Historic Sites Attendance in Canada in 2021-22
This dataset records attendance data for national parks and historic sites in Canada in 2021-22. -
Catalogue Entry: National Parks and Historic Sites Attendance in Canada in 2019-2020
This dataset records attendance data for national parks and historic sites in Canada in 2019-20. -
Catalogue Entry: Indoor Ice Rinks in Toronto
This dataset includes information on arenas, community centres, and recreation centres with indoor ice pads owned by the City of Toronto. The dataset provides details on ice pad...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
Catalogue Entry: Outdoor Artificial Ice Rinks in Toronto
This dataset includes data on outdoor Artificial Ice Rinks (AIR) and skate trails maintained by the City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) division. The City...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
Catalogue Entry: Tennis Courts Facilities in Toronto
This dataset includes data on tennis court locations that belong to the City of Toronto. Some locations are public, others are 'clubs' (these sites are operated by not-for-...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoPackage
Catalogue Entry: Regulated Provincial Parks in Ontario
Display areas regulated under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 and managed by Ontario Parks. -
Catalogue Entry: Large parks, district parks and public spaces in Montreal
The boroughs of the City of Montreal have more than 1,495 parks that extend over an area of more than 6,412 ha. This dataset represents all the parks and public spaces listed... -
Catalogue Entry: Federal Parks and Protected Areas in New Brunswick
The administrative boundaries (exterior limits) of National Parks in New Brunswick.