Catalogue Entry: Ontario public library statistics (County libraries and county co-operative)
Categorized library statistical reports for county libraries and county co-operatives.-
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Catalogue Entry: Seniors Active Living Centre locations
Seniors Active Living Centres, or SALC, offer a range of social, cultural, learning and recreational programs for seniors. SALC information includes the name, address, phone...-
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Catalogue Entry: Family Health Team (FHT) locations
The Ministry of Health Service Provider Locations (MOHSERLO) geospatial dataset contains the locations of health service providers in Ontario. Included in the dataset are: *...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Midwifery clinic locations
Geographic information on the locations of midwifery clinics. In 1994, midwifery became part of the Ontario healthcare system and is provided free of charge to residents of the... -
Catalogue Entry: Community Health Centre (CHC) locations
Geographical information for primary health and health promotion programs for people, families, and communities. -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Builds: key infrastructure projects
This is a sample of key infrastructure projects happening in Ontario. Projects will be added and updated on an ongoing basis. The dataset includes: * project name * category *... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario courthouse construction year
A list of Ontario courthouses and their construction years.-
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Catalogue Entry: One Way Streets
Linear representations of one way streets found within the City of Toronto.-
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Catalogue Entry: Transportation Division Bridge Data
This data set is retired. A new data set replaces at: Bridge Structure The 'STRUCTURE' dataset contains City of Toronto (City) Transportation Service fully or partially owns 413... -
Catalogue Entry: Transportation Innovation Zones - Stakeholder Workshops Results
The City of Toronto hosted four online workshops in mid-September 2020 to gather feedback and recommendations from stakeholders on a proposed Transportation Innovation Zone... -
Catalogue Entry: Parking Lot Facilities
This dataset includes data on parking lots operated by the City of Toronto PF&R Division. Parking lots are located in parks or on the building grounds of community centres,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Youth - Affordable Housing Access
Includes access to subsidized or rent-geared-to-income housing and supportive housing. Taxonomoy-based search of 211Toronto's database. For additional information and for the... -
Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Youth - Transitional Housing
Housing for homeless youth and youth coming out of unstable housing situations. Taxonomoy-based search of 211Toronto's database. For additional information and for the latest... -
Catalogue Entry: Bridges, Elevated Roadways, and Culverts in Toronto
This data set is retired. A new data set replaces at: Bridge Structure The dataset contains bridges, elevated roadways, and culverts information and their location information.... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Early Years Centres (Toronto)
This data set is retired. A new data set replaces at:Child & Family Programs-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Toronto District School Board Locations
The data is collected and maintained by the Planning Division of the Toronto District School Board in order to support daily operations at the Board. This point file is best... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Public Library Branch Locations
This dataset is retired. More up to date information on this subject can be found on this newer open data page The locations of the existing library branches within the City of... -
Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Youth - Newcomer Settlement Services
Services and programs serving the specific needs of immigrant and refugee youth. Taxonomoy-based search of 211Toronto's database. For additional information and for the latest... -
Catalogue Entry: Business Improvement Areas
A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is an association of commercial property owners and tenants within a defined area who work in partnership with the City to create thriving,... -
Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Youth - Financial Services
Government programs that provide a source of income and access to services for families and individuals (including newcomers) who have no other adequate source of income.... -
Catalogue Entry: Sidewalk Inventory
The sidewalk inventory provides information on the location of sidewalks along all transportation corridors within the City of Toronto limits. City centreline data was utilized... -
Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Toronto - Education
This dataset contains three worksheets. The full description for each column of data in worksheets two and three is available in the first worksheet called "IndicatorMetaData"....-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Toronto - Transportation
This dataset contains three worksheets. The full description for each column of data is available in the first worksheet. The 2008 data is contained in worksheet 2 and 2011 data...-
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Catalogue Entry: Utility Site
This data set shows utility points that provide services for: * power * water * communications * heating fuel They include: * fibre optic stations * hydro stations * lock... -
Catalogue Entry: Wellbeing Toronto - Youth Services
This dataset contains an Excel spreadsheet and ESRI shapefiles relating to youth services available in the City of Toronto. This data has been selected by the Youth Asset... -
Catalogue Entry: Housing tenure by level of school of First Nations people living off...
Housing tenure by level of school of First Nations people living off reserve, Métis and Inuit, age group and gender, population aged 15 years and over, Canada, provinces and... -
Catalogue Entry: Investments in Indigenous community infrastructure
The Targeted Investments in Indigenous Community Infrastructure dataset depicts infrastructure projects across Canada that are funded through Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).... -
Catalogue Entry: Pedestrian infrastructure
Municipal infrastructure dedicated to pedestrians.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate). -
Catalogue Entry: Infrastructure Canada Projects
This dataset contains a list of infrastructure projects across Canada that have been approved by Infrastructure Canada. The project information listed is based on current... -
Catalogue Entry: Housing Market Information Portal
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's Housing Market Information portal offers free, easy-to-use access to the latest housing market data for Canada.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Persons living with housing problems, by select housing-vulnerable...
Persons living with housing problems, by select housing-vulnerable populations and affordability, suitability, adequacy and core housing need indicators, Canada. Vulnerable... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian vehicle survey, fuel purchased, by type of vehicle and type of fuel, annual
This table contains 10 series, with data for years 2000 - 2003 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and was last released on 2007-08-23. This table... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Recreation Survey
The Alberta Recreation Survey is a series of surveys that have been conducted approximately every four years since 1981. The survey collects information related to participation... -
Catalogue Entry: Social support, by age group and sex, household population aged 12 and over,...
This table contains 8400 series, with data for years 1994 - 1996 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following... -
Catalogue Entry: Ethnic Origin (279), Single and Multiple Ethnic Origin Responses (3),...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Housing suitability and dwelling condition, by tenure including social and...
Housing suitability (suitable or not suitable) and dwelling condition (regular maintenance, minor repairs, major repairs), by tenure including social and affordable housing,... -
Catalogue Entry: Road Restrictions
New Feed Enhancements - August 2022 The new road restrictions feed is available with links listed as Version 3. We will be retiring Versions 1 and 2 on October 1st, 2022.... -
Catalogue Entry: 2013 Survey of Digital Technology and Internet Use - Infographic
This infographic describes some results for the Digital Technology and Internet Use survey of 2013. It measures the use and adoption of various digital technologies, including... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Nature Survey 2012
The 2012 Canadian Nature Survey is part of a series of national surveys on the importance of nature to Canadians. The purpose of the survey is to provide reliable, current... -
Catalogue Entry: Roberts Bank Shorebird Surveys, British Columbia - Predicted and Actual...
Predicted and actual counts of sandpipers utilizing the portion of Roberts Bank along “Brunswick dike” (the shoreline between the base of the Roberts Bank Coal Port causeway... -
Catalogue Entry: Roberts Bank Shorebird Surveys, British Columbia
These surveys focus on two abundant shorebird species, Western Sandpiper (Calidris mauri) and Dunlin (Calidris alpina), and are conducted at a large mudflat on Roberts Bank,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) in Canada
The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is a road-based, long-term, continental survey that focuses on measuring breeding bird abundance at 50 stops along roughly 40-km...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- other
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Pentad Blended Precipitation version 1 (CanBP5v1)
This dataset contains blended (gauge and satellite estimates) pentad mean precipitation rates (unit: mm/day) at a one degree spatial resolution over Canada. The data can be used...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: RADARSAT-1 - United States of America Mosaics
United States Mosaic - This RADARSAT-1 mosaic of the United States comprises 190 images acquired between March 1998 and October 1999. Include one full map and maps by regions...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: RADARSAT-1 - Australia Mosaics
Mosaic of Australia - This RADARSAT-1 Australian mosaic, captured at a 500-metre resolution, comprises 165 images acquired between November 15, 2000 and February 12, 2001. The...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: RADARSAT-1 - Africa Mosaics
Mosaic of Africa - This mosaic of Africa consists of approximately 1600 images that were collected between October 1998 and July 2002. The northern part of the mosaic (above 10...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: RADARSAT-1 - Antarctica Mosaics
The mosaic was produced by the Byrd Polar Research Center of Ohio State University, in collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the Alaska SAR Facility. Project...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Fiscal Reference Tables - October 2010 - Table 5
Table 5 of the 2010 Fiscal Reference Tables presents federal budgetary revenues in percentage of total revenues. Data is from 1961-2010.-
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Catalogue Entry: Fiscal Reference Tables - October 2010 - Table 18
Table 18 of the 2010 Fiscal Reference Tables presents public finance data from the Government of Prince Edward Island. Data is from 1986-2010.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Fiscal Reference Tables - October 2010 - Table 41
Table 41 of the 2010 Fiscal Reference Tables presents local government income in millions of dollars. Data is from 1961-2009.-
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