Activity Stream
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Aircraft movements, by civil and military movements, airports with NAV CANADA flight service stations, monthly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Aircraft movements, by class of operation and peak hour and peak day of movements, airports with NAV CANADA flight service stations, monthly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Domestic and international Itinerant movements, by type of operation, airports with NAV CANADA towers, monthly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Itinerant movements, by aircraft maximum take-off weight, for airports with NAV CANADA towers, monthly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Itinerant movements by type of power plant, airports with NAV CANADA towers, monthly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Itinerant movements, by instrument flight rules, visual flight rules and runway 88, airports with NAV CANADA towers, monthly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Aircraft movements, by civil and military movements, airports with NAV CANADA towers, monthly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Aircraft movements, by class of operation and peak hour and peak day of movements, for airports with NAV CANADA towers, monthly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Air cargo traffic at Canadian airports, annual
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Air passenger traffic at Canadian airports, annual
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Civil aviation fuel consumption, Canadian air carriers, Levels I to III, annual
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Civil aviation wages and salaries paid, by sector, by province and territory, Canadian air carriers, Levels I to III, annual (x 1,000)
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Civil aviation passenger and goods revenue, by sector, by province and territory, Canadian air carriers, Levels I to III, annual
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Itinerant movements, by type of operation, airports with NAV CANADA towers, annual
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Discount fare traffic, by sector, quarterly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Itinerant movements, by type of operation, airports with NAV CANADA flight service stations, monthly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Civil aviation operating statistics, by sector, Canadian air carriers, Levels I to III, annual (x 1,000)
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Civil aviation productivity measures, Canadian air carriers, Levels I to III, annual
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Civil aviation balance sheet, Canadian air carriers, Levels I to III, annual
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Civil aviation financial statistics, Canadian air carriers, Levels I to III, annual (x 1,000)
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Civil aviation operating statistics, by type of service, Canadian air carriers, Levels I to III, annual
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Civil aviation productivity measures, Canadian air carriers, Levels I and II, quarterly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Civil aviation financial performance indicators, Canadian air carriers, Levels I and II, quarterly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Civil aviation operating statistics, by sector, Canadian air carriers, Levels I and II, quarterly (x 1,000)
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Civil aviation operating statistics, by type of service, Canadian air carriers, Levels I and II, quarterly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Transportation system utilization and performance, Transport Canada
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Transportation activity indicators, percentage change, Transport Canada
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Domestic and international itinerant movements, by geography, airports with NAV CANADA services and other selected airports, monthly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Domestic and international itinerant movements, by type of operation, at airports with NAV CANADA services and other selected airports, monthly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Domestic and international itinerant movements, by type of operation, at airports with NAV CANADA services and other selected airports, monthly
2 years ago -
Kevin Nguyen updated the dataset Itinerant movements, by aircraft maximum take-off weight, at airports with NAV CANADA services and other selected airports, monthly
2 years ago