Catalogue Entry: Unified: Canadian vehicle survey, passenger-kilometres, by type of vehicle...
This table contains 25 series, with data for years 1999 - 2009 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and was last released on 2014-06-19. This table... -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Canadian vehicle survey, vehicle-kilometres, by type of vehicle and...
This table contains 15 series, with data for years 1999 - 2009 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and was last released on 2014-06-19. This table... -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Canadian vehicle survey, passenger-kilometres, by type of vehicle...
This table contains 15 series, with data for years 1999 - 2009 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and was last released on 2014-06-19. This table... -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Count of public organizations who factored climate change...
Data are available for core public infrastructure assets which consist of public transit, potable water, stormwater, wastewater, solid waste, roads, bridges and tunnels, public... -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Inventory of publicly owned social and affordable housing assets,...
Number of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned social and affordable housing assets for all provinces and territories. -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Vehicle registrations, by type of vehicle, inactive
Annual vehicle registrations, by type of vehicle (road motor vehicles, trailers, off-road, construction and farm vehicles). -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Number of vehicles travelling between Canada and the United States
Number of vehicles travelling between Canada and the United States, by trip characteristics, length of stay and type of transportation. Data available monthly. -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Canadian government finance statistics for health and social...
Canadian government finance statistics (CGFS), statement of operations and balance sheet for health and social service institutions, annual (dollars x 1,000,000). -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Toronto Public Library Branch Locations
This dataset is retired. More up to date information on this subject can be found on this newer open data page The locations of the existing library branches within the City of... -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Performance Metrics
For the years 2014 to 2020 inclusive, this dataset provides the number of emergency calls (unique incidents) to which Toronto Paramedic Services (TPS) responded, the number of... -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Railway industry operating and income accounts, by mainline...
Annual railway industry operating and income accounts (detailed operating revenues and expenses), by mainline companies (Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, VIA Rail). -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Railway industry balance sheet, by mainline companies (x 1,000)
Annual railway industry balance sheet (total assets, total current assets, total non-current assets, total liabilities and shareholders' equity, total current liabilities, total... -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Railway industry operating and income accounts of regional...
Annual railway industry operating and income accounts (detailed operating revenues and expenses) of regional companies. -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Railway industry balance sheet of regional companies (x 1,000)
Annual railway industry balance sheet (total assets, total current assets, total non-current assets, total liabilities and shareholders' equity, total current liabilities, total... -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Railway industry property accounts summary of regional companies (x 1,000)
Annual railway industry property accounts summary of regional companies (land, total ways and structures, total equipment and miscellaneous property accounts), by balance at... -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Railway industry length of track operated at the end of the year by...
Railway industry length of track operated at the end of the year by area (Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, etc.), by company (Canadian National, Canadian... -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Railway industry length of track operated at the end of the year, by company
Railway industry length of track operated at the end of the year (total line owned and total line operated under lease, contract, trackage rights or jointly owned), by company... -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Railway industry diesel fuel consumption
Annual railway industry diesel fuel consumption (freight, passenger, yard switching and work train diesel and total cost of diesel fuel). -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Railway industry diesel fuel consumption by area (x 1,000)
Railway industry diesel fuel consumption by area (Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario, etc.). -
Catalogue Entry: Unified: Railway industry operating statistics by mainline companies
Annual railway industry operating statistics (total train-kilometres, total locomotive unit-kilometres, total freight car-kilometres, total passenger car-kilometres, gross...