408 catalogues found

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  • Catalogue Entry: Primary Weight, Highways and RM Roads, CTP

    Primary Weight, Provincial Highways and RM Roads, Clearing the Path Corridors Map A map of primary weight provincial highways and RM roads clearing the path corridors
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  • Catalogue Entry: Mesozoic

    These structure, isopach and zero edge files are part of a series of stratigraphic framework maps for the Saskatchewan Phanerozoic Fluids and Petroleum Systems (SPFPS) project....
      File available for download in the following formats:
    • Esri REST
  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Softwood

    Softwood (PCTSWD) is an estimate of the proportional basal area in softwoods. Available here as a softwood per cent raster (GeoTIF) with a 10 m pixel resolution. Note: Hardwood...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Prairie Landscape Inventory (PLI) - Mixed Grassland Classification

    Land cover imagery for the mixed grassland ecoregion of Saskatchewan with a resolution of 10m. Classification was based on machine learning analysis and remote sensing data of...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Southern Digital Landcover

    Landcover dataset created for the agricultural portion of Saskatchewan. Download: here A satellite imagery classification of Southern Saskatchewan based mainly on 1994 Landsat5...
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Stems per hectare - softwood

    Stems per hectare - softwood (SPHSWD) is an expression of the number of merchantable softwood trees on a per-hectare basis. Available here as softwood stems per hectare raster...
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Gross merchantable volume - softwood

    Gross merchantable volume - softwood (GMVSWD) is an expression of merchantable stem softwood volume (m3) on a per-hectare basis. Available here as a raster (GeoTIF) with a 20 m...
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Land class - ungeneralized

    Ungeneralized land classification in one of eleven types. Available here as a land class raster (GeoTIF) with a 10 m pixel resolution. Download: Here The Saskatchewan Ministry...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Surface Type Map (2021)

    Surface Type Map The map describes the surface type of Saskatchewan Highways including AC Paved, Granular Paved, TMS, Gravel and Winter Ice Roads.
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  • Catalogue Entry: RAILLINE OFFICIAL

    RAILLINE_OFFICIAL is one of the important layers for Saskatchewan Upgraded Road Network (SURN) and National Road Network (NRN). The RAILLINE_OFFICIAL provides the information of...
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Gross biological volume - hardwood

    Gross biological volume - hardwood (GBVHWD) is an expression of in-the-tree stem hardwood volume (m3) on a per-hectare basis. Calculated from the ground to the tip. Available...
      File available for download in the following formats:
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Gross biological volume - total

    Gross biological volume - total (GBVTOT) is an expression of in-the-tree stem total volume (m3) on a per-hectare basis. Calculated from the ground to the tip. Available here as...
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Basal area - total

    Basal area - total (BA_TOT) is an expression of total site occupancy based on the cross-sectional area (m2 at breast-height) of merchantable stems on a per-hectare basis....
      File available for download in the following formats:
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  • Catalogue Entry: PCS Regions

    PCS Regions contains the boundaries of park regions for the administration and management purposes of provincial parks, recreation sites, protected areas, and historic sites by...
      File available for download in the following formats:
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    • Esri REST
  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Stems per hectare - hardwood

    Stems per hectare - hardwood (SPHHWD) is an expression of the number of merchantable hardwood trees on a per-hectare basis. Available here as hardwood stems per hectare raster...
      File available for download in the following formats:
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  • Catalogue Entry: National Highway System Map (2021)

    National Highway System Map 2019 National highway system map
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  • Catalogue Entry: SK1 Woodland Caribou Habitat Potential

    Woodland caribou habitat potential within the provincial forest of central and northern Saskatchewan has been identified by Saskatchewan, using a forest ecosite geographic...
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Diameter (quadratic mean)

    Diameter is an expression of the average diameter (cm) of trees at breast-height (1.3 m), calculated using a quadratic mean (QM_DBH). Available here as a diamter raster (GeoTIF)...
      File available for download in the following formats:
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  • Catalogue Entry: FERRYSEG OFFICIAL

    FERRYSEG_OFFICIAL provides the information about the Ferry Connection Segments. Ferry Connection Segment is the specific representation of a portion of a ferry connection with...
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  • Catalogue Entry: HIGHWAY OFFICIAL

    HIGHWAY_OFFICIAL provides the LRS based geospatial information of Provincial and National Highways System in Saskatchewan. It is one of the base layer used to create "Roadseg"...
      File available for download in the following formats:
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