Catalogue Entry: Results of the general municipal elections
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing makes available, for each municipality, the information provided, on a voluntary basis, by the presidents of elections during the... -
Catalogue Entry: Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art: selection of artists from the Collection
The Museum of Contemporary Art of Montreal (MAC) makes available some of the data related to artists in the Collection (name, place of birth, date of birth, place of death, date... -
Catalogue Entry: Contracts awarded
List of contracts awarded as stipulated in the [law on cities and towns]... -
Catalogue Entry: Family Allowance
The Family Allowance is financial assistance paid to all eligible families who have dependent children under 18 who live with them. -
Catalogue Entry: Offence reports issued by Contrôle Québec
Data from reports of violations issued during interventions by Contrôle Routière Québec, on the road or in business. -
Catalogue Entry: COVID-19 - Daily portrait of the vaccination status of new cases and new...
Important note - July 6, 2022: Update stopped. Considering the changes in the vaccination recommendations issued on June 20, 2022 by the Committee on Immunization of Quebec, an... -
Catalogue Entry: Quebec municipalities that regulate the use of pesticides
Since the beginning of the 1990s, several municipalities in Quebec have regulated the use of pesticides on their territory. Such municipal by-laws do not have to be approved by... -
Catalogue Entry: Tax credit for caregivers - adult and disabled caregiver component, 2020 to 2022
Number of individuals who received a tax credit for caregivers and the average amount paid, specifically for the component where the person being helped is of age and has an... -
Catalogue Entry: Effluents and precipitations from the treatment plant
Effluents and precipitations from the treatment plant -
Catalogue Entry: Residual materials — Balance and tonnage
Quantities collected by collections -
Catalogue Entry: List of active licenses of the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec
List of active licenses of the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec In Quebec, anyone who performs or has construction work carried out must hold a license from the Régie du Bâtiment du... -
Catalogue Entry: 2016 financial report
Municipal organizations prepare their financial report (FR) based on generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as established by the Public Sector Accounting Board (CCSP)... -
Catalogue Entry: Microbiological analyses of distributed water
Microbiological analyses carried out on distributed water -
Catalogue Entry: Directory of musical adaptations
Partial list of adaptations of songs and musical pieces including several metadata about the piece and the authorities (natural or legal persons) who wrote them (author or... -
Catalogue Entry: Paid leisure activities
List of paid sports and cultural activities.. -
Catalogue Entry: Quebec Treasury Bill Index
The Quebec Treasury Bill Index (91 days), prepared by the Quebec Ministry of Finance, is based on a theoretical portfolio of Quebec Treasury bills with a duration of... -
Catalogue Entry: Daily download of resources from the Open Data site
This dataset contains the list of resources on the Montréal Open Data website and counts the number of times they have been downloaded daily since July 2023. -
Catalogue Entry: Retail sales in the bio-food industry 2004-2011
Retail sales in the bio-food industry by year and by type of establishment in Quebec. -
Catalogue Entry: Three-year capital asset program - project and program sheets
This set of quantitative and qualitative data concerns the capital budgets planned for each project and program included in the Triennial Capital Plan (PTI). -
Catalogue Entry: Bio-food industry jobs
Distribution of employment in the various links in the Quebec bio-food industry