Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 43-5, May 4, 2017: Implementation science
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 43-6, June 1, 2017: Indigenous health
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 43-3/4, March 2, 2017: Tuberculosis (TB)
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 43-1, January 5, 2017: Enteric disease outbreaks
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 38, No 9, September 2018 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease...
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice(the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion and... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (CHIRPP) – infographic
A system to track injuries and poisonings in emergency departments Injuries cause many deaths and hospital visits in Canada. We can predict and prevent most injuries. CHIRPP... -
Catalogue Entry: Multiple Sclerosis in Canada - Infographic
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The immune system attacks myelin (protective covering of the nerves) in the brain, spinal cord, and... -
Catalogue Entry: Dementia in Canada - Infographic
Dementia is the loss of mental function affecting daily activities, caused by brain diseases and brain injuries. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia. -
Catalogue Entry: Measuring positive mental health in Canada: Myths and facts - Infographic
Positive mental health is the capacity to feel, think, and act in ways that enhance the ability to enjoy life and deal with challenges. -
Catalogue Entry: Stroke in Canada - Infographic
A stroke is a sudden loss of brain function caused by a sudden brain blood vessel blockage (ischemic stroke) or rupture (hemorrhagic stroke). Ischemic stroke is the most common... -
Catalogue Entry: Positive Mental Health Surveillance Conceptual Framework - Infographic
Positive mental health is the capacity of each and all of us to feel, think, and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face. -
Catalogue Entry: Are Canadian children getting enough sleep? - Infographic
To be as healthy as possible, children need adequate night time sleep. -
Catalogue Entry: Injuries in Canada, 2012
This data set includes statistics on injuries for all ages. The information is from the electronic database of the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program... -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 38, No 6, June 2018, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice(the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion and... -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 38, No 7/8, July/August 2018, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease...
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice(the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion and... -
Catalogue Entry: Suicide in Canada - Infographic
An average of 10 people die by suicide each day in Canada. -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 38, No 4, April 2018 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice(the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion and... -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 38, No 3, March 2018 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice(the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion and... -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 38, No 2, February 2018 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease...
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice(the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion and... -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 38, No 1, January 2018 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention...
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice(the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion and...