Catalogue Entry: Parks Canada attendance 2020_21
Attendance data for national parks and historic sites - 2020-21-
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Catalogue Entry: Parks Canada attendance 2022_23
Attendance data for national parks and historic sites - 2022 23-
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Catalogue Entry: Parks Canada attendance 2001_02 to 2018_19
Parks Canada attendance 2001-02 to 2018-19-
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Catalogue Entry: Streams - Benthic Invertebrates - Pukaskwa
Benthic samples are collected from 6 streams (Oiseau Creek, White Gravel River, North Swallow River, Swallow River, Tagouche Creek and Imogene Creek) in mid to late September...-
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Catalogue Entry: Condition of Contemporary Assets
In 2018-2019, this indicator was measured as the “percentage of contemporary infrastructure that facilitates visitor access and/or use of Parks Canada places in poor condition...-
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Catalogue Entry: Condition of Built Heritage Assets
In 2018-2019, this indicator was measured as the “percentage of heritage structures in poor condition that have improved”. However, Parks Canada has since adapted this...-
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Catalogue Entry: Federal Heritage Designations
Parks Canada supports the commemoration of history through formal recognition programs. This indicator tracks the total number of places, people, and events of importance to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Percentage of historical and archaeological collection, cultural landscapes...
Parks Canada protects Canada’s historical and archaeological objects, cultural landscapes and archaeological sites. Buildings and engineering work that are cultural resources...-
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Catalogue Entry: Progress towards completing Canada's National Park System
Parks Canada’s long-term goal is to establish at least one national park in each of Canada’s terrestrial regions. The system represents the diversity of natural regions and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ecological Integrity of National Parks
Ecosystems present ecological integrity when their native species and communities, landscapes and functions are intact and likely to persist. The ecological integrity of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Parks Canada attendance 2021-2022
Attendance data for national parks and historic sites - 2021 22-
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Catalogue Entry: Parks Canada performance data (support)_ 2021 22
Support performance measurement for Parks Canada - 2021 22 -
Catalogue Entry: Moose Survey Counts - Kluane
Moose are the primary large ungulate in Kluane National Park and Reserve. They are important prey for large carnivores and are a species of special cultural interest to First...-
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Catalogue Entry: Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Area of Occurrence (SAR)
Areal Extent (hectares) of black-tailed prairie dog colonies in the Park monitored through colony perimeter mapping every 2 years. This is actively managed to increase prairie...-
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Catalogue Entry: Parks Canada attendance 2019-20
Attendance data for national parks and historic sites - 2019-20 -
Catalogue Entry: Kokanee Spawning Counts - Kluane
Kluane National Park and Reserve has the only naturally occurring population of kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Canadian national park system. In 2002, the population...-
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Catalogue Entry: Dall's Sheep Survey Count - Kluane
Kluane National Park and Reserve has one of the largest concentrations of Dall’s sheep in the world. Dall's Sheep are highly valued by local First Nations and are also being...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wood Buffalo National Park: Total GHG Emissions of Forested Ecosystems
“Wood Buffalo National Park - Total GHG Emissions” datasets consist of estimates of GHG emissions (carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O)) in carbon...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wood Buffalo National Park: Total Ecosystem Forest Carbon Density
“Wood Buffalo National Park - Total Ecosystem Forest Carbon Density” is the annual carbon density (tonnes carbon per hectare) within Wood Buffalo’s forested ecosystems over a...-
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Catalogue Entry: Jasper National Park: Total GHG Emissions of Forested Ecosystems
“Jasper National Park - Total GHG Emissions” datasets consist of estimates of GHG emissions (carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O)) in carbon dioxide...-
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