Catalogue Entry: Forest Non-Native Vegetation - Banff
Banff National Park monitors invasive alien plants with the use of permanent, random stratified, transects established in each of the three management zones, in close proximity...-
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Catalogue Entry: Area Disturbed by Fire - Banff
The area burned by fire in Banff National Park between 1910 and 2017 is contained in this dataset. The number of hectares burned was calculated either by a GPS track of the fire...-
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Catalogue Entry: Whitebark Pine Blister Rust - Banff
Whitebark pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) is an introduced pathogen affecting whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) and limber pine (Pinus flexilis). Whitebark pine is an...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network - Banff
Benthic macro-invertebrate diversity, stream hydrology, water chemistry, climate, geology, and landcover are collected at randomly selected sites using a standard protocol for...-
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Catalogue Entry: Banff_NP_Forest_Winter Wildlife Corridor Tracking
This measure is based on snow-tracking data from 25 established snow-transects in the Bow Valley. Most transect occur within corridors around the Banff townsite, but several...-
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Catalogue Entry: Aquatic-Water Connectivity - Mount Revelstoke
This is a multi-park measure, which includes an inventory and assessment of 1,754 culvert and 51 bridge locations along the major highways and roads in Banff, Kootenay, Yoho,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Yoho_NP_Forest_Winter Wildlife Corridor Tracking
The measure is based on snow-tracking data from 3 established snow-transects in the Kicking Horse Valley. Trends for this metric focus on wary carnivores (cougar, lynx, wolf,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Aquatic-Water Connectivity - Glacier
This is a multi-park measure, which includes an inventory and assessment of 1,754 culvert and 51 bridge locations along the major highways and roads in Banff, Kootenay, Yoho,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Shrub Extent – Kluane
Shrubs are projected to move upslope and expand into the alpine tundra with a warming climate in the Kluane region of Yukon. Shrub expansion will create habitat for some...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Composition – Kluane
Parks Canada monitors vegetation composition in Kluane National Park and Reserve forests to determine resilience following a spruce bark beetle outbreak of unprecedented...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Structure - Kluane
Parks Canada monitors structural change in the spruce forests of Kluane National Park and Reserve following a spruce bark beetle outbreak that began in 1994. Understanding stand...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wood Frog Occupancy – Kluane
Amphibians worldwide are facing declines and possible extinction. Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) are the only amphibian in Kluane National Park and Reserve. They are...-
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Catalogue Entry: Plant Species Richness - Kluane
Shrubs are projected to move upslope and expand into the alpine tundra with a warming climate in the Kluane region of Yukon. Shrub expansion will create habitat for some...-
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Catalogue Entry: Growing Season Change - Kluane
This dataset includes annual average Julian dates of spring green-up, fall brown-down, and plant productivity from 2000-2012. The data are from remote sensing. The MODIS...-
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Catalogue Entry: Mountain Goat Survey Count - Kluane
Mountain goats are a key species in the alpine tundra in Kluane National Park and Reserve. The potential impacts of climate change on snow depth, the frequency of rain-on-snow-...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Breeding Bird Abundance and Composition - Kluane
Most songbirds in Kluane National Park and Reserve are medium-distance migrants and could be threatened by habitat degradation along migration routes. Songbirds could also...-
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Catalogue Entry: Lake Trout Catch Per Unit Effort - Kluane
Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) are an important indicator of the health of aquatic ecosystems and are a valued resource for harvest by First Nations and for sport fishing by...-
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Catalogue Entry: Lichens - Kejimkujik
Lichen abundance was selected as a measure of stress in forest ecosystems because lichens are well-established bioindicators and have been used for monitoring air pollution...-
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Catalogue Entry: Salamanders - Kejimkujik
Plethodontid salamanders lack lungs and breath through their glandular skin and the roof of their mouth which must remain moist for respiration; they are vulnerable to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Brook trout - Kejimkujik
Brook trout are top predators in aquatic ecosystems at Kejimkujik that integrate the effects of stressors throughout the aquatic trophic structure. They are sensitive to a...-
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