565 catalogues found

Organizations: Parks Canada

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  • Catalogue Entry: Kootenay_NP_Alpine_Pika Haypile Surveys

    Kootenay National Park assesses the populations of American Pika using surveys of active pika hay piles at various sites throughout the park.
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  • Catalogue Entry: Banff_NP_Alpine_Pika Haypile Surveys

    Banff National Park assesses the populations of American Pika using surveys of active pika hay piles at various sites throughout the park.
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  • Catalogue Entry: Lake Ice Phenology - Nahanni

    The timing of ice formation and breakup is an important factor affecting aquatic life and ecosystems. Continued monitoring is important due to potential changes the timing of...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Coastal Plants - Pukaskwa

    Established in 2020, the coastal plants measure is composed of three sub-measures. 1) Rocky Coastal Plants Since 2020, data has been collected on twenty (20) study sites for...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Wolf - Pukaskwa

    Between 2010 and 2023, 17 remote, motion-activated wildlife cameras (Reconyx PC90 Rapidfire Covert IR, Reconyx PC800 Hyperfire Professional Semi-covert IR and PC 900 Hyperfire...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Forest Birds - Pukaskwa

    Nine acoustic bird song meters are deployed to monitor boreal bird species in mixed wood forests during the peak breeding season (24 May to 10 July). The song meters record...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Amphibian Occupancy - Mount Revelstoke

    This measure tracks changes in presence and absence of three amphibian species at 12 potential breeding sites. Each site is visited twice (where possible), to estimate and...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Amphibian Occupancy - Glacier

    This measure tracks changes in presence and absence of three amphibian species at 43 potential breeding sites. Each site is visited twice (where possible), to estimate and...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Prescribed Fire Targets - Mount-Revelstoke

    The following standard is used to evaluate Parks Canada Agency’s goal to manage wildland fire and conduct prescribed fire activities to restore and maintain the ecological...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Prescribed Fire Targets - Glacier

    The following standard is used to evaluate Parks Canada Agency’s goal to manage wildland fire and conduct prescribed fire activities to restore and maintain the ecological...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Whitebark Pine Seedling assessment - Glacier

    Whitebark pine is considered a “keystone species” mountain national parks, as it plays several important ecological roles where it exists in subalpine environments. Its survival...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Whitebark Pine Stand Assesments - Glacier

    Whitebark pine is considered a “keystone species” in the mountain national parks, as it plays several important ecological roles where it exists in subalpine environments. Its...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Terrestrial Birds - Revelstoke

    Mount Revelstoke National Park provides important habitat for a wide range of bird species. As the most diverse land vertebrates, birds are an important indicator of ecosystem...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Forest Terrestrial Birds - Glacier

    Glacier National Park provides important habitat for a wide range of bird species. As the most diverse land vertebrates, birds are an important indicator of ecosystem health....
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  • Catalogue Entry: Forest_Eider_Mingan

    Field data from the monitoring of the common eider. The number of eggs and nests of the common eider were surveyed between 1988 and 2005. Many islands of the MANPRC are used by...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Tundra_Rare plants_Mingan_Abundance_Data

    The tundra ecosystem is an indicator of the ecological integrity of the MANPRC. In total, 40 rare plant species are found in the tundra of the MANCPR. Rare plants have been...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Coastal_Rare plants_Mingan_Abundance_Data

    The coastal ecosystem is an indicator of the ecological integrity of the MANPRC. In total, 31 rare plant species are found in the coastal ecosystem of the MANCPR. Rare plants...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Banff_NP_ForestAlpine_Songbird Point Counts

    "Birds are the most diverse of land vertebrates and are an important indicator of ecosystem health. Large protected areas, such as Banff National Park, provide important habitat...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Banff_NP_Freshwater_Amphibian Visual Surveys

    We surveyed the presence of four native amphibian species in wetlands throughout the eastern section of Banff National Park. This dataset represents detection or non-detection...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Yoho_NP_Freshwater_Amphibian Visual Surveys

    Yoho National Park samples 28 randomly selected potential amphibian breeding sites (out of possible 66) to determine presence or absence of amphibian species. Each of the 28...
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