Catalogue Entry: Access Centres Office Locations
Listing of provincial Access Centre office locations. -
Catalogue Entry: Utilization and payments of the Nova Scotia Special Dental Programs
The Nova Scotia Special Dental Programs provides eligible residents of Nova Scotia coverage for the following program areas: Maxillofacial Prosthodontics Program, Cleft... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Natural Resources and Renewables Camping Parks Reservation Data 2015
[ARCHIVED] Information collected through the reservation system for the general public to reserve camping sites in the Nova Scotia Provincial Parks for 2015 -
Catalogue Entry: Victoria County Current Data
Current speed and direction time series data collected in a vertical profile at various locations throughout the coastal waters of Victoria County. -
Catalogue Entry: General Fishing and Salmon Licence Sales
Fishing licences sales by county for both general and salmon fishing -
Catalogue Entry: Shellfish Poisoning
Overall counts and rates (per 100,000 population) of notifiable diseases reported in Nova Scotia. -
Catalogue Entry: Vehicle Compliance Sites
Data set provides the user the geographic location of Provincial Vehicle Compliance and Inspection sites -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Community Clusters Census Population
Nova Scotia Community Cluster Census Population for 2011 and 2016. Includes the following data fields: Census Year, Zone, ZoneID, Community Health Network, NetworkID, Community... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Census Long Form Unpaid Work - Age
[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Census Long Form Low Income
[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users... -
Catalogue Entry: Average Annual Numbers and Rates of Accident Fatalities in NS, by sex and age group
Average Annual Numbers and Rates of Accident Fatalities in NS, by sex and age group for time periods (2009-2012, 2013-2016, 2017-2018) -
Catalogue Entry: Cryptosporidiosis
Overall counts and rates (per 100,000 population) of notifiable diseases reported in Nova Scotia. -
Catalogue Entry: Rubella
Overall counts and rates (per 100,000 population) of notifiable diseases reported in Nova Scotia. -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] NHS Mobility
[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users... -
Catalogue Entry: Boil Water Advisories
This dataset includes the following information for public registered and municipal drinking water supplies: Site Name, County, Date Boil Advisory Issued, Date Boil Advisory... -
Catalogue Entry: Relative Seawater Intrusion Vulnerability
A GIS-based approach for broadly evaluating the relative vulnerability of bedrock coastal aquifers to seawater intrusion in unserviced areas of the province was developed. The... -
Catalogue Entry: Consumer Protection Complaints Types and Frequency
Type and frequency of consumer complaints submitted on-line or by paper application to the Department of Service Nova Scotia. -
Catalogue Entry: Tancook Ferry Schedule
Public Works operates seven ferries. This data covers the ferry schedule for the Tancook Island ferry. Refer to 511 for current availability of service:... -
Catalogue Entry: Community Feed-in Tariff Program
Successful applicants to Community Feed-in Tariff Program, which ran from 2011-2016. COMFIT allowed community-owned groups to own locally-distributed renewable electricity... -
Catalogue Entry: Halifax County Wave Data
Wave time series data collected at various locations throughout the waters of Halifax County by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture’s Aquaculture Division.