Catalogue Entry: New Brunswick Provincial Parks
Dataset represents administrative boundaries of provincial parks and promote the use of a common geometric representation. -
Catalogue Entry: New Brunswick Federal Parks and Protected Areas
Dataset represents administrative boundaries of national parks and promote the use of a common geometric representation.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Federal Parks and Protected Areas in New Brunswick
The administrative boundaries (exterior limits) of National Parks in New Brunswick. -
Catalogue Entry: Hospitals in New Brunswick Operated by Vitalité Health Network
A List of all hospitals in New Brunswick operated by Vitalité Health Network -
Catalogue Entry: List of SNB Service Centres
List of SNB service centres -
Catalogue Entry: Hospitals in New Brunswick Operated by Horizon Health Network
A List of all hospitals in New Brunswick operated by Horizon Health Network -
Catalogue Entry: Lidar Download Map
Lidar point cloud data with classifications – unclassified (1), ground (2), low vegetation (3), medium vegetation (4), high vegetation (5), buildings (6), low point - noise (7),...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Licensed Nursing Homes
Listing of licensed nursing homes in the province of New Brunswick including contact information, location, language and number of beds -
Catalogue Entry: Tick Data 2019
Tick data collected by Mount Allison University including Lyme disease test results. For instructions on how to view and search this dataset there are posted resources at... -
Catalogue Entry: Tick Data 2020
Tick data collected by Mount Allison University including Lyme disease test results. For instructions on how to view and search this dataset there are posted resources at... -
Catalogue Entry: Tick Data 2018
Tick data collected by Mount Allison University including Lyme disease test results. For instructions on how to view and search this dataset there are posted resources at... -
Catalogue Entry: Tick Data - 2012 to 2018
Tick data collected by Mount Allison University including Lyme disease test results. *This data has been generalized for privacy and is only based on ticks sent to Mount Allison... -
Catalogue Entry: Regional Service Commissions
To identify the geographic area of the 12 Regional Service Commissions under the new Regional Service Delivery Act. -
Catalogue Entry: Dead Game (non-hunt mortality) data
The Dead Game (non-hunt mortality) database tracks mortalities for big game in NB not related to hunting or trapping. Each mortality record indicates the cause of mortality,... -
Catalogue Entry: Tick Data 2021
Tick data collected by Mount Allison University including Lyme disease test results. *This data has been generalized for privacy and is only based on ticks sent to Mount Allison... -
Catalogue Entry: Other Habitats
Designated forested stands meeting D.N.R.’s structural and spatial criteria for “Old Forest Communities” and “Old Forest Wildlife Habitats”. -
Catalogue Entry: Deer Wintering Areas
Forested areas managed to provide severe winter habitat for herds of white tail deer on Crown lands. -
Catalogue Entry: Aerial Survey Results
Lines indicate the approximate flight path flown during aerial survey of NB forests for pests, diseases, and abiotic disturbances. Flights are conducted during clear visibility... -
Catalogue Entry: Vegetation Management
Dataset featuring the spatial location of vegetation management (silvicultural herbicides) treatments on provincial Crown Lands. The dataset is a historical record of... -
Catalogue Entry: Granular Aggregate
This layer contains polygon features that represent granular aggregate deposits in New Brunswick. ‘Granular Aggregate’ is the term used to describe naturally occurring deposits...