Catalogue Entry: “Broken Bail” in Canada: How We Might Go About Fixing It
In recent academic, professional and media conversations regarding pre-trial detention in Canada, a new expression has been taking shape. Specifically, an increasing number of... -
Catalogue Entry: Exploring Indigenous Approaches to Evaluation and Research in the Context of...
In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada released 94 Calls to Action (CTA) to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of... -
Catalogue Entry: The Canadian Legal Problems Survey
Surveys about legal problems and needs are undertaken in countries around the world. In 2021, the Canadian Legal Problems Survey (CLPS) was conducted to identify the kinds of... -
Catalogue Entry: The Impact of the Lack of Legal Aid in Family Law Cases
This report examines the impact of the lack of access to legal aid in family law cases in Canada. The objective is to identify challenges that people face in accessing justice... -
Catalogue Entry: A Review of the Measures to Address Prostitution Initiative (MAPI)
This study uses data from the Measures to Address Prostitution Initiative (MAPI) to present some of the socio-demographic characteristics and experiences of people who provide... -
Catalogue Entry: Use of Technology in the Family Justice System: Annotated Bibliography
The Department of Justice Canada Research and Statistics Division, in collaboration with the Coordinating Committee of Senior Officials - Family Justice Research Sub-committee,... -
Catalogue Entry: JustFacts: The Impact of Mandatory Minimum Penalties on Indigenous Peoples...
This fact sheet presents information on Canadian federal offenders who were admitted to federal custody between fiscal years 2010/11 and 2019/20 for an offence punishable by a... -
Catalogue Entry: Panel Discussion Report: Indigenous and Restorative Justice Approaches
The virtual panel explored how Indigenous justice, RJ or customary law approaches are used in two First Nations and one Inuit context. The panel helped to highlight that while... -
Catalogue Entry: Shifting the Paradigm: Exploring Opportunities for Community Justice Help
This report provides a review of recent developments in regulatory action and program activity aimed at improving access to justice through assistance provided by non-lawyers in... -
Catalogue Entry: Section 19 of the Youth Criminal Justice Act: A look at the use of...
The Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) came into force on April 1, 2003 to assist in reducing the notably high Canadian youth custody rate. The YCJA promotes youth rehabilitation... -
Catalogue Entry: A Summary of the Report on Examining the Social Security Tribunal’s...
This research study was undertaken with a view to fulfilling two goals. The first is to take stock of the strengths and weaknesses of the SST Navigator Service with a view to... -
Catalogue Entry: Parenting arrangements after divorce and separation: A 2018-2019 snapshot of...
The Survey of Family Courts (SFC) is a long-standing online survey that documents detailed information about the contents of court orders and separation agreements. This... -
Catalogue Entry: Legal Aid in Canada, 2020-21
This report provides national level statistics on revenues, expenditures, personnel, and caseloads from legal aid plans across Canada. Justice Canada has been producing the... -
Catalogue Entry: Legal Clinics in Canada: Exploring Service Delivery and Legal Outcomes Among...
Legal clinics in Canada may provide a variety of services, the most usual being free legal information, summary advice, coaching, and representation to low-income clients who... -
Catalogue Entry: Black Youth and the Criminal Justice System: Summary Report of an Engagement...
Between August 2020 and April 2021, the Department of Justice Canada (JUS), in collaboration with the Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat at the Department of Canadian Heritage,... -
Catalogue Entry: Canada’s Emergencies Act
The Emergencies Act, which became law in 1988, is a federal law that can be used by the federal government in the event of a national emergency. -
Catalogue Entry: Department of Justice Departmental Plans, Reports on Plans and Priorities
Please note that the Departmental Plans, Reports on Plans and Priorities from 2001-2006 have been archived by the Library and Archives on their website, and are no longer... -
Catalogue Entry: Report by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada on the...
In 2018, Parliament enacted former Bill C-46, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (offences relating to conveyances) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, S.C. 2018,... -
Catalogue Entry: Assessment of the Initial Impact of Mandatory Alcohol Screening on...
Mandatory Alcohol Screening (MAS) became law in Canada on December 18, 2018. This amendment to the Criminal Code allowed police to demand a breath test of any driver even in the... -
Catalogue Entry: Cyberbullying and the Non-consensual Distribution of Intimate Images
The Report is divided into two parts: the first part of the report addresses the issue of cyberbullying and includes information relating to the scope of the problem, the impact...