Catalogue Entry: Municipal property standards bylaws
The dataset indicates whether bylaws are: * complete (covering interior and exterior of buildings) * partial - exterior of buildings only * partial - applies in certain...-
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Catalogue Entry: Gasoline report - Canadian gasoline prices
This dataset provides monthly, quarterly and annual average regular or premium unleaded gasoline pump prices, taxes and ex-tax pump prices in Toronto, Ottawa, Thunder Bay, St....-
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Catalogue Entry: Ontario soybeans supply and disposition
Get data on the supply and disposition for Ontario soybeans. Includes statistical data on: * harvested area * yield * farm value * disposition-
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Catalogue Entry: Homicides
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Homicides under the Criminal Code include: * murder, first degree * murder, second degree *... -
Catalogue Entry: Second language course enrolment
Data about the number of students enrolled in second language courses. Information is specific to publicly funded secondary schools at the provincial level. Second language... -
Catalogue Entry: Police resources
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of Solicitor General Includes details about police hiring, retirement, retirement eligibility and minority status. Dataset... -
Catalogue Entry: Long-Term Care Home COVID-19 Data
This dataset contains records of publicly reported data on COVID-19 testing in Ontario long-term care homes. It was collected between April 24, 2020 and March 30, 2023. Summary... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth Justice service delivery
The Ministry of Children and Youth Services, Youth Justice service delivery system provides community and custodial programs for youth in, or at risk of, conflict with the law,... -
Catalogue Entry: Early Development Instrument (EDI)
The EDI is designed for use with whole populations based on geographical or administrative boundaries. It is a questionnaire completed by kindergarten teachers for each student... -
Catalogue Entry: Archives of Ontario photographs and maps
This dataset contains technical and descriptive metadata about digitized images, including: * creator * format type (e.g. black and white print, map) * date of creation *...-
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Catalogue Entry: Deaths of children and youth in Ontario by manner of death
This data tracks the deaths of children up to 18 years old by the manner in which they died. It also identifies whether or not the child, youth or their family were involved... -
Catalogue Entry: Successful Seniors Community Grant Program recipients
The Ministry of Seniors Affairs (formerly known as the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat) supports organizations to give seniors more opportunities to participate in their... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario total farm area
Get statistical data on Ontario’s total farm area, using the Agriculture Census and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. The data identifies the cropland, total...-
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Catalogue Entry: National Occupation Classification (NOC) skill level
The age groups available in the data set are: 15+, 25+, 25-34, 25-64 and 25-54. The education levels include: 0-8 yrs., some high school, high school graduate, some post-... -
Catalogue Entry: Property guardianship for incapable adults
The OPGT protects the legal and financial interests of adults who are incapable of doing so themselves. In this role, the OPGT is their guardian of property. These datasets...-
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Catalogue Entry: Labour force estimates by education
The age groups available in the data set are: 15+,15-24,25-54,25+,25-64,25-34,55+ and 55-64. The education levels include: 0-8 years, some high school, high school, some post-... -
Catalogue Entry: Expiring Collective Agreements
This report provides an overview of collective agreements in Ontario that are set to expire from 2024 to 2026. The information in this report is compiled from collective...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre specialized unit hold counts
This dataset provides the average daily count of male and female inmates held in specialized units at the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre covering fiscal years 2005-06 through... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Automotive Investment Strategy (OAIS) grant recipients
This data set contains a list of recipients of Ontario Automotive Investment Strategy from 2005 to 2012. This list includes the following details: * funding program * name of... -
Catalogue Entry: Industry Snapshot of collective bargaining
This report provides industry-specific yearly snapshots of collective bargaining data.-
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