Catalogue Entry: Alberta Recreation Survey
The Alberta Recreation Survey is a series of surveys that have been conducted approximately every four years since 1981. The survey collects information related to participation...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Lea Park/Pakowki Structure (GIS data, polygon features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary... -
Catalogue Entry: Parks and Protected Area boundaries in Alberta
The Parks and Protected Areas dataset contains Parks and Protected Area boundaries for sites administered by the Government of Alberta. National parks, because of their similar... -
Catalogue Entry: Caribou Sub-Regional Plan Boundaries
Sub-regional plans are Alberta's approach to supporting caribou recovery through careful land-use planning which recognizes and maintains working landscapes supporting a variety... -
Catalogue Entry: CBM Potential of the Alberta Plains - McKay Coal Zone Boundary (GIS dataset)
Coal zone boundary for the McKay Coal Zone is based on subcrops generated by Alberta Geological Survey Special Report 007 (Regional Evaluation of the Coalbed Methane Potential... -
Catalogue Entry: Fawcett Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Fawcett Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Health indicator : hospital inpatient care case costs : CMG/Plex
This dataset presents information on hospital inpatient care case costs. The inpatient activity data is grouped by Case Mix Grouper (CMG). -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force estimates by industry and by occupation (2,3, and 4 digits) for...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on labour force estimates by industry and by occupation (2, 3 and 4 digits) for Alberta and for... -
Catalogue Entry: Capital Investment Expenditures in Alberta Agri-Food Industries
This product provides information on Capital Investment Expenditures in Alberta Agri-Food Industries (both the food and beverage manufacturing and the agriculture industries)... -
Catalogue Entry: Female live births, birth weight by age of mother
Birth weight of female live births in the province of Alberta, by age of the mother. Please note: effective July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed for this dataset. -
Catalogue Entry: 2010 Alberta Provincial Electoral Divisions
These data are the current Electoral Divisions, enacted in 2010. There are 87 Electoral Divisions. Created as areas in which the Albertans eligible to vote in provincial general... -
Catalogue Entry: Data tables of the graduate outcomes survey for the publicly funded...
Every two years, Advanced Education commissions a survey of post-secondary graduates in order to collect information that will inform strategic planning and results reporting... -
Catalogue Entry: FactSheet9-Grid_Bearings_and_Astronomic_Azimuths.pdf
This fact sheet discusses Grid Bearings and Astronomic Azimuths and their representation on Alberta Survey Control Marker (ASCM) ID cards. -
Catalogue Entry: PDD - Historical Active Caseload April 2010 - May 2018
The Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program provides services to help adults with developmental disabilities live as independently as possible in their... -
Catalogue Entry: Employed labour force by NAICS (2007) by class of worker, age and sex for...
This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on employed labour force aged 15 years and over in private households by industry, class of... -
Catalogue Entry: Employment Rates (Age 15 to 64) by Highest Level of Education, Alberta and Canada
This Alberta Official Statistic describes the employment rates of persons aged 15 years and over by highest level of education for Alberta and Canada from 1990 to 2014. The... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Slaughter Cattle Prices
This product provides information on Alberta Slaughter Cattle Prices, for a ten year period. Comparison of Steers, Heifers, Cows D1/D2 and D3, Feeder Cows and Bulls Prices per... -
Catalogue Entry: Health indicator : dementia - age-sex specific prevalence
This dataset presents information on age-sex specific prevalence of dementia for Alberta, expressed as a percentage. -
Catalogue Entry: Mobility Status (Place of Residence Five Years Ago - Movers) of Aboriginal...
This Alberta Official Statistic describes the proportions of Aboriginal Identity Populations (Movers) that reported a mobility status change (place of residence 5 years ago) for... -
Catalogue Entry: Leading causes of death
A ranking of the 30 most common causes of death each year in Alberta, by ranking and total number of deaths.