Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Gross Expenditures by Division
This dataset provides a breakdown of the Gross Expenditures for each division. This data includes the command level at the time of reporting. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Gross Operating Budget
This dataset includes all identified victims of crimes against the person, including, but not limited to, those that may have been deemed unfounded after investigation, those... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Investigated Alleged Misconduct
This dataset provides a breakdown of the total investigated complaints by type of complaint submitted. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Miscellaneous Calls for Service
This dataset includes the following categories of data: Languages Languages used by Language Line Services other than English Calls Received Emergency Calls Non-Emergency Calls... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Miscellaneous Data
The Toronto’s Police Service Annual Statistical Report (ASR) is a comprehensive overview of police related statistics including reported crimes, victims of crime, search of... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Miscellaneous Firearms
Firearm Type Breakdown of firearm type for every firearm that was seized by the TPS Crime Guns A crime gun is “any firearm that has been or suspected to have been used in in a... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Personnel by Command
This dataset provides a count of personnel broken down by command level. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Personnel by Rank
This dataset provides a count of personnel broken down by rank classification for Uniform, Civilian, and Other Staff. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Search of Persons
The Toronto’s Police Service Annual Statistical Report (ASR) is a comprehensive overview of police related statistics including reported crimes, victims of crime, search of... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Personnel by Rank by Division
This dataset provides a count of personnel broken down by rank classification for Uniform & Civilian staff by division. This data includes the command level at the time of... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Reported Crimes
This dataset includes all reported crime offences by reported date aggregated by division. This data includes all crimes reported to the Toronto Police Service, including, but... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Tickets Issued
This dataset provides an aggregated count of tickets issued by year, ticket type, offence, age group, division, and neighbourhood. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Top 20 Offences of Firearms Seizures
This dataset provides a list of top 20 offences ranked by volume, for occurrences linked to a firearm seizure. -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Total Public Complaints
This dataset provides a breakdown of the total number of public complaints filed with the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (O.I.P.R.D.) broken down by complaints... -
Catalogue Entry: Metadata Catalog
List of the tags that the Toronto Open Data Portal will use to categorize and search its datasets -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Victims of Crimes
This dataset includes all identified victims of crimes against the person, including, but not limited to, those that may have been deemed unfounded after investigation, those... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Administrative
This dataset provides a breakdown of administrative information. This data is compiled and provided by several units of the Toronto Police Service. The data is broken down into... -
Catalogue Entry: Hate Crimes Open Data
This dataset includes all verified Hate Crime occurrences investigated by the Hate Crime Unit by reported date since 2018. The Hate Crime categories (bias categories) include... -
Catalogue Entry: Non Competitive Contracts
This data set is no longer maintained. You will find the new data here. The Non-Competitive Contracts dataset contains a list of non-competitive contracts processed by the...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Competitive Contracts
This data set is no longer maintained. You will find the new data here The Competitive Contracts dataset contains a list and summary of information about competitive contract...-
File available for download in the following formats: