Catalogue Entry: Councillors' Constituency Services & Office Expense Reporting
Each Councillor has a constituency services and office budget to pay for expenses that are allowable under the Constituency Services and Office Budget Policy*. This dataset... -
Catalogue Entry: Community Planning Boundaries
This dataset contains an ESRI shapefile of all the community planning boundaries of each planning section in the City of Toronto. Manager's name and telephone number is... -
Catalogue Entry: Surface Routes and Schedules for BusTime
The TTC may provide additional updates as required to address service impacts and/or changes. Data contains scheduling information (route definitions, stop patterns, stop...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 311 Service Requests - Customer Initiated
The dataset contains information on customer initiated service requests received by 311 Toronto. This data was collected from multiple channels including telephone, fax, email,... -
Catalogue Entry: Head of Household
This dataset is retired. This dataset contains the Head of Household trending data from year 2004. It provides information on households by neighbourhood with reference to the... -
Catalogue Entry: TTC Routes and Schedules
The TTC may provide additional updates as required to address service impacts related to the global pandemic. Data contains scheduling information (route definitions, stop...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Open Data Web Analytics
This dataset contains web analytics (statistics) capturing visitors' usage of datasets published on the City of Toronto Open Data Portal.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Building Permits - Cleared Permits
Provides information on Building Permits completed/closed. A building permit is a municipally issued permit, required by the Building Code Act and enforced by the City of... -
Catalogue Entry: Traffic Signal Timing
This dataset contains traffic signal phasing and interval sequences that were in effect for the past seven days at approximately 2300 traffic signals that operate on the City’s...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Rain Gauge Locations and Precipitation
This dataset contains the locations of all rain gauge equipment across the city of Toronto as well as the precipitation measured. The City's rain gauge network consists of... -
Catalogue Entry: Lobbyist Registry
See Lobbyist Registry Data Readme The Lobbyist Registrar's office promotes and enhances the transparency and integrity of city government decision making through public... -
Catalogue Entry: Dinesafe
DineSafe is Toronto Public Health’s food safety program that inspects all establishments serving and preparing food. Each inspection results in a pass, a conditional pass or a... -
Catalogue Entry: Property Boundaries
This data is a GIS file that outlines the geographical area of all properties in the City of Toronto. While every attempt is made to keep this dataset up to date, it has been...