Railway industry summary statistics on freight...
URL: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=2310005701
Annual railway industry summary statistics on freight and passenger transportation (revenue freight by tonnes, by tonne-kilometres, by average haul on each railway; revenue and non-revenue freight by tonnes, by tonne-kilometres, by average haul on each railway; revenue passengers by passengers, by passenger-kilometres, by average passenger journey per ticket; transportation services, averages by cars per freight train, by car per passenger train, by freight carload, by empty freight car-kilometres, by freight train speed).
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | April 18, 2023 |
Metadata last updated | April 18, 2023 |
Created | April 18, 2023 |
Format | CSV |
License | License not specified |
Datastore active | False |
Datastore contains all records of source file | False |
Has views | True |
Id | a1bdf29a-1440-4a0d-b471-18c28a3d4410 |
Package id | da836c9e-dfb5-4361-8563-e5fd52305907 |
Position | 0 |
State | active |