Public spending on housing allowance as % of GDP

This indicator presents figures on the amount of public spending on housing allowances across OECD countries. Housing allowances are means- and/or income-tested income transfers to households directed at supporting households in meeting their housing costs (Kemp 2007, OECD 2016, Stephens et al 2011). Housing allowances are a form of demand-side support generally provided to low-income households who meet the relevant eligibility criteria (OECD, 2016) to help meet rental and other housing costs, temporarily or on a long-term basis. Although such schemes are commonly called housing allowances, they are also known as “housing benefits” (in the United Kingdom), “rent assistance” (Australia), “rent supplement” (Ireland, New Zealand), or “housing vouchers” (United States). The introduction of new housing allowances or modifications to existing housing allowance schemes in response to the COVID19 pandemic can be found in indicator PH3.2.

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Last Updated August 20, 2024, 14:46 (UTC)
Created November 26, 2023, 18:51 (UTC)
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OECD member countries
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LAST UPDATED 29/05/2021
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OECD member countries
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Field Value
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