Distribution and Abundance of Waterfowl in the Rasmussen Lowlands, Nunavut, 1994-1995

Aerial surveys were performed in the Rasmussen Lowlands, Nunavut, to determine the numbers and distribution of Greater White-fronted Geese and other waterfowl species. Surveys were carried out in the Lowlands from 20-24 June 1994 and 20-25 June 1995. The survey procedure included flying straight transects in a float-equipped Bell 206L helicopter at 45 m altitude above ground and at a ground speed of 80-100 km/hr. Transects were oriented east-west and spaced at 5 km intervals in areas expected to have greater densities of geese and 10 km intervals in areas with lower expected densities. All transects were divided into 2 km segments that were used as a basis for recording data. Transects were of differing lengths.

Surveys were performed with two observers, one seated in the left front seat and the other in the right rear seat that was equipped with a bubble window for better viewing. All observations of geese and other highly visible birds within an estimated 200 m of the flight path were recorded.

Lesser Snow Geese typically nest in large colonies and are not easily surveyed using widely spaced aerial transects. Therefore, on top of counting the numbers of Snow Geese on the regular transects (all non-breeders in flocks of three or more birds), total counts of nesting Snow Geese were carried out by flying over colonies at a height of 230 m and counting all geese within 1 km of each side of the helicopter. Transects were spaced at 2 km distances, and during the transect and colony surveys, the plumage colour of the birds (blue or white) was recorded whenever all individuals in a flock or pair could be readily identified to colour phase.

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Last Updated October 22, 2024, 15:55 (UTC)
Created October 1, 2024, 07:37 (UTC)
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Environment and Climate Change Canada | Environnement et Changement climatique Canada
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Government of Canada; Environment and Climate Change Canada; Canadian Wildlife Service - Northern Region Data Management, Donnees-SIG_SCF_NOR-Data-GIS_CWS_NOR@ec.gc.ca
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