Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Norway House Indian Reserve No. 17C-32
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Sweetgrass I.R. 113-J3
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Anahim 12
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Augier Lake 22
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Henderson's Ranch 11
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-10
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Grass 15
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Tacla Lake 9
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Teh Noo'n Che 49
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Tanoo 9
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Logan's 6
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Tsinstikeptum 9
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Opatseeah 13
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Sisipuk Sakahegan (A) Indian Reserve
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Sisul Tl'o K'ut 21
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Saulteaux I.R. 159H
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Ochapowace I.R. 71-110
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Lennox Island Indian Reserve No. 5
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for Poundmaker Indian Reserve No. 114-17
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Information for English River I.R. 192H
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads,...