Catalogue Entry: Provincial Policy Statement - average resale prices
The average resale price is based on the sale price of existing housing in a region roughly corresponding to each of the 47 Service Manager Areas based on Multiple Listing...-
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Catalogue Entry: Provincial Policy Statement - Affordable House Price Calculations
Affordable Home Prices are calculated based on household income for the second to sixth decile. Affordability is calculated based on housing costs not exceeding 30% of the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Property Boundaries
This data is a GIS file that outlines the geographical area of all properties in the City of Toronto. While every attempt is made to keep this dataset up to date, it has been...-
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Catalogue Entry: Product Exchange/Bartering Data
These datasets contain peer-to-peer trades from various recommendation platforms.-
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Catalogue Entry: Primary and Secondary Net Attendance Ratio
The dataset contains information on, 1. Primary school net attendance ratio (Primary adjusted net attendance ratio)- Number of children attending primary or secondary school who...-
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Catalogue Entry: Population with Improved Water, Sanitation and Other Urban Basic Services in...
Proportion of population with access to various basic services including improved water services, improved sanitation facilities, clean energy for lighting, energy for cooking,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Population with Improved Water, Improved Sanitation and Other Urban Basic...
Proportion of population with access to various basic services including improved water services, improved sanitation facilities, clean energy for lighting, energy for cooking,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Population in Urban Agglomerations 2000 - 2035 (Thousands)
Total estimated population for urban agglomerations which had a population of 300,000 or more in 2018. "Urban agglomeration" as the unit of measurement follows a diversity of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Planned Roadwork
Used within the trip Interactive Map to convey transportation related information in both official languages. This information includes any roadwork that is pre-planned and will...-
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Catalogue Entry: Pinterest Fashion Compatibility
This dataset contains images (scenes) containing fashion products, which are labeled with bounding boxes and links to the corresponding products.-
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Catalogue Entry: Picnic Parks
This dataset shows MTO managed/maintained picnic park locations. It was created as part of the Digital Cartographic Reference Base (DCRB) for the production of Official Road Map... -
Catalogue Entry: Percentage of Population at Mid-Year Residing in Urban Areas
Share of estimated population living in urban areas based on national urban definitions at Mid-Year (out of total population at mid-year)-
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Catalogue Entry: Pan Am Affordable Housing Information
Covers financial, location and programmatic information for the affordable housing created as part of the 2015 Toronto Pan/Parapan Am Games. 253 affordable rental and 60...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ozone (O3) (Environment and Climate Change Canada End User Licence) - 1
Hourly ground-level ozone (O3) concentrations were estimated with CHRONOS (Canadian Hemispherical Regional Ozone and NOx System) model from 2002 to 2009, and with GEM-MACH...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Ozone (O3) (Data Completeness Report) - 2
Hourly ground-level ozone (O3) concentrations were estimated with CHRONOS (Canadian Hemispherical Regional Ozone and NOx System) model from 2002 to 2009, and with GEM-MACH...-
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Catalogue Entry: Operating and financial statistics for major Canadian airlines, monthly
Monthly operating and financial statistics (number of thousands of: passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, load factor, hours flown, turbo fuel consumed in...-
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Catalogue Entry: Off-Reserve Aboriginal Housing Trust (AHT) program and funding information
The Off-Reserve Aboriginal Housing Trust program was funded from the federal Off-Reserve Aboriginal Housing Trust and received approximately $80.2 million. The program was...-
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Catalogue Entry: Noise (Supplemental Information - Comparison of land use regression and...
Estimated noise levels in five Canadian cities were produced by a national team of researchers at the University of Montreal, Ryerson University, Dalhousie University,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Noise (Postal Code metadata) - 2
Estimated noise levels in five Canadian cities were produced by a national team of researchers at the University of Montreal, Ryerson University, Dalhousie University,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Noise (Comparison of land use regression and random forests models on...
Estimated noise levels in five Canadian cities were produced by a national team of researchers at the University of Montreal, Ryerson University, Dalhousie University,...-
File available for download in the following formats: