Catalogue Entry: Number of Households: Canada, Provinces and Territories 1976–2036
Long-term projections for the total number of households in Canada, the provinces and territories up to the year 2036. Estimates provided for low, medium and high rates of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Indigenous Households Living Outside Reserves: Canada
Get the housing statistics on housing conditions of Indigenous households living outside of reserves in Canada. This table summarizes how many Indigenous households are living...-
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Catalogue Entry: Housing Conditions of Aboriginal Households Living On-Reserve
Get these housing statistics on Indigenous households living on-reserve. The data covers: tenure average income living in or able to access adequate and suitable housing living...-
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Catalogue Entry: Housing Conditions of Indigenous Households Living Outside Reserves by CMAs
Get the housing statistics on housing conditions of Indigenous households living outside of reserves in Canada. This table summarizes how many Indigenous households are living...-
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Catalogue Entry: FSCD - Active Caseload by Age Group
The Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) program works with eligible families to provide support and services based on each child and family’s needs. Supports...-
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Catalogue Entry: Healthy Babies Healthy Children service regions
Ontario's Healthy Babies Healthy Children program helps infants and children up to age 6 and their families through: risk screening and assessments referrals to community...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- GeoDatabase
- GeoPackage
- SQLite Geodatabse
Catalogue Entry: PDD - Caseload by legal authority
The Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program provides services to help adults with developmental disabilities live as independently as possible in their...-
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