Catalogue Entry: Supreme Court of Canada Dataset 1975-2021
This dataset accompanies an edited volume on the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC). It contains meta data on 4142 SCC decisions between 1975 and 2021. It builds on CanLII data...-
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Catalogue Entry: Human Rights Tribunal Decisions on Transportation and Disability...
This dataset accompanies the article, Laverne A. Jacobs. "The Universality of the Human Condition: Theorizing Transportation Inequality Claims by Persons with Disabilities in...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Demographics: Child Welfare Workers and Caregivers
Basic demographic information about the child welfare worker.-
File available for download in the following formats:
- html, pdf
Catalogue Entry: Child Welfare Workers and Caregivers
Since 2000, the Ontario Looking After Children (OnLAC) project has been a partnership between the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS) at the...-
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