Catalogue Entry: Human Rights Tribunal Decisions on Transportation and Disability...
This dataset accompanies the article, Laverne A. Jacobs. "The Universality of the Human Condition: Theorizing Transportation Inequality Claims by Persons with Disabilities in...-
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Catalogue Entry: Household characteristics data tables [electronic resource] : people with...
Abstract: "Number of people with disabilities who are living in households in core housing need. Organized by geographic region, Sex and living arrangement. This table...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Respite and Medical Benefits Monthly Caseload for Children and Youth with...
This data set contains the number of Medical Benefits and Respite Services case files per month by Ministry of Children and Family Development Region from April 2002 to present. -
Catalogue Entry: Annual minor capital investments- By region
This data set lists the minor capital funding provided by the Ministry of Community and Social Services to Transfer Payment Agencies between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015....-
File available for download in the following formats: