Catalogue Entry: Vegetation Inventory Annotation - 40k
This feature displays annotation codes for easy display of vegetation inventory polygons. Used in conjunction with the data set for Vegetation Inventory Poly 40K, this dataset... -
Catalogue Entry: Quartz Claims Grant Number Annotation - 30K
A claim is a parcel of land located or granted for hard rock mining. A claim also includes any ditches or water rights used for mining the claim and all other things belonging... -
Catalogue Entry: Fire Ignition Locations
This is point GIS coverage consisting of either fire ignition locations or centroids of fire polygons where the exact location of fire ignition were unknown for fires within the... -
Catalogue Entry: Community Hazards - Mayo - 20k
Landscape hazard maps were completed as part of a community hazards mapping program coordinated by the Northern Climate ExChange (Yukon Research Centre, Yukon College).... -
Catalogue Entry: Placer Claims Grant Number Annotation - 30k
A placer claim is a parcel of land located or granted for placer mining. A claim also includes any ditches or water rights used for mining the claim and all other things... -
Catalogue Entry: Mineral claims line - surveyed
A Surveyed Sub-Surface Area Object that represents the spatial extent of a mineral claim to which sub-surface rights can be registered. In the Yukon, mineral claims can be... -
Catalogue Entry: Water Features - 250k
1:250,000 NTDB Hydrographic Point Features. -
Catalogue Entry: Surficial Geology Line Age 100k
The Yukon Geological Survey (YGS) has compiled over 195 surficial geology maps into a standardized GIS format, providing approximately 80% coverage of the territory. The maps... -
Catalogue Entry: Mineral claims polygon - surveyed
A Surveyed Sub-Surface Area Object that represents the spatial extent of a mineral claim to which sub-surface rights can be registered. In the Yukon, mineral claims can be... -
Catalogue Entry: Roads Annotation - 1M
Road annotation captured at 1:1,000,000 scale against the Digital Chart of the World base from the Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Surveys & Mapping Branch... -
Catalogue Entry: Roads - 1M
Roads captured at 1:1,000,000 scale from Digital Chart of the World data for the Yukon and surrounding area. These roads were compared to the Government of Canada's National... -
Catalogue Entry: Biophysical plots
Yukon Biophysical Plot locations are derived from the Yukon Biophysical Information System (YBIS) database, which is the Government of Yukon's repository for storing biophysical... -
Catalogue Entry: Vegetation Inventory - 5k - Soil Moisture Regime
This feature delineates forest and vegetation stands in the Yukon at a scale of 1:5,000. It is an operational level forest inventory (as opposed to a management level). This... -
Catalogue Entry: Footprints Aerial Photographs
Footprints for all images in the Yukon G overnment Aerial Photographs I mage S ervice s . Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data... -
Catalogue Entry: NG911 Subdivisions - Whitehorse
The Subdivision layer is the boundary of a neighbourhood, subdivision, or commercial area within the City of Whitehorse. Locations of similar sounding street names may be... -
Catalogue Entry: Placer Lakes Classification - 50k
Placer Lake Classification - 50k Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data... -
Catalogue Entry: Outfitting Concessions - 250k
Outfitting Concessions (OCs) which are also known as Outfitting Areas, are legal boundaries that define an area where the holder of the concession has the exclusive right to... -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resource Officer Subdistricts - 1M
EMR Natural Resource Subdistricts Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data... -
Catalogue Entry: Land Use Permits Polygon - 50k
Describes active land use applications and permits required under the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act 2003/51 Land Use Regulation for the purpose of permitting "any work or... -
Catalogue Entry: Spot Heights - 1M
Spot height locations captured at 1:1,000,000 scale from Digital Chart of the World data for the Yukon and surrounding area. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon...