Catalogue Entry: Preliminary geological map of the Hutshi Lakes and Cracker Creek map areas,...
Preliminary geological map of the Hutshi Lakes and Cracker Creek map areas, parts of NTS 115A/15 and 115H/2-
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Catalogue Entry: Geology of Keno Hill Map Area (105M/14)
This map is based on 1991 mapping and compilation of previous Geological Survey of Canada mapping, namely McTaggart (1960), Kindle (1962), and Boyle (1965). The geology of the...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Surficial geology of Onion Creek (115J/02), Yukon
The Onion Creek map area straddles the north slope of the Nisling Range to the south and the south slope of the Dawson Range to the north. Nisling River separates the two ranges...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Geology of Aishihik Lake Map Area, Yukon (NTS 115H/6)
Geological map (1:50 000 scale) of the Aishihik Lake area, southwest Yukon (NTS 115 H/6) including geological cross-sections, mineral occurrences and isotopic age determinations.-
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Catalogue Entry: Investigations of 2000 RGS survey Northern Yukon, Eagle Plains Ecoregion
Fieldwork was completed in July/August, 2001 in northern Yukon. Fieldwork included investigating results from the stream sediment geochemical survey commissioned to the GSC in... -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status and Census Family Structure (Census 2001)
Datasource: Statistics Canada. 2003. Profile for Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Divisions and Census Subdivisions, 2001 Census (table). Cumulative Electronic Profiles.... -
Catalogue Entry: Biophysical map of Watson Lake area (NTS 105A/2), Yukon (1:50 000 scale)
This map was produced as part of a biophysical mapping pilot study carried out in the Watson Lake (NTS 105A/2) area in 2004. Biophysical mapping (also known as ecological land...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Language Used at Work (Census 2001)
Datasource: Statistics Canada. 2003. Profile for Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Divisions and Census Subdivisions, 2001 Census (table). Cumulative Electronic Profiles.... -
Catalogue Entry: Yukon Placer Mining Industry Report 2003 to 2006
Since the publication of the last industry report, Yukon has undergone significant change: mineral prices have increased dramatically, with a corresponding boom in economic...-
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Catalogue Entry: First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, Wernecke Mountain...
This map of the first vertical derivative of the magnetic field was derived from data acquired during an aeromagnetic survey carried out by Fugro Airborne Surveys during the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Regional stream sediment geochemical data Stevenson Ridge, Yukon (NTS 115J & K)
Regional stream sediment geochemical data Stevenson Ridge, Yukon (NTS 115J & K) -
Catalogue Entry: Surficial Geology Map and Till Geochemistry of Swim Lakes (105K/2 NE), Central Yukon
Surficial geological map (1:25 000 scale) and till geochemistry (copper, lead and zinc) of Swim Lakes area, central Yukon (NTS 105 K/2 northeast).-
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Catalogue Entry: Post-secondary Qualification by Location of Study (National Household Survey 2011)
Datasource: Statistics Canada. 2013. National Household Survey (NHS) Profile. 2011 National Household Survey. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 99-004-XWE. Ottawa. Released... -
Catalogue Entry: Geology of Colorado Creek (115J/10), Selwyn River (115J/9) & Prospector...
The project area, covering 2,142 square kilometres, includes the following three map areas: Colorado Creek (115 J/10), Selwyn River (115 J/9), and Prospector Mountain (115 I/5)....-
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Catalogue Entry: A transect through the accreted terranes of the nothern Canadian Cordillera:...
This five-day geological excursion across the northern Canadian Cordillera of southern Yukon and northern B.C. will lead the participants from the parautochtonous edge of...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Geological map of parts of Finlayson Lake area (105G/7, 8, and parts of 1, 2...
Geological map including geological cross sections and mineral occurrences.-
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Catalogue Entry: Magnetic First Vertical Derivative, 106E/SE-SW, Yukon Territory
Magnetic First Vertical Derivative, 106E/SE-SW, Yukon Territory-
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Catalogue Entry: Geological Map of Sprague Creek Map Area, Western Selwyn Basin, Yukon, NTS 115P/15
Geological Map of Sprague Creek Map Area, Western Selwyn Basin, Yukon, NTS 115P/15-
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Catalogue Entry: Bedrock geology along the Duke River fault near Bullion Creek, Yukon (part...
Bedrock geology along the Duke River fault near Bullion Creek, Yukon (part of NTS 115G/02)-
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Catalogue Entry: Regional stream sediment geochemical data, Dezadeash Range area,...
This data package contains results for parts of the Dezadeash Range area (NTS 115A and 115B). This information has been provided in a variety of digital formats. PDF files...-
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