Catalogue Entry: Regional Geochemical Surveys - RGS - ICPMS - 250k
Regional stream sediment geochemical data compilation November 2020 Release notes The regional stream sediment geochemical data compilation comprises data for more than 30 000... -
Catalogue Entry: Geophysical Series, parts of NTS 115J/4, 115K/1, 115K/2, 115K/7, 115K/8,...
The airborne survey was flown over the central Stevenson Ridge area. Flight line spacing is 400m in a 90-270 degree direction. Nominal terrain clearance of the EM receiver bird... -
Catalogue Entry: Gravel Pits - 25k
This dataset includes maintenance, quarries, stockpile, borrow , and gravel pits used by Transportation Division. Other pits and quarries not used by Transportation Division are... -
Catalogue Entry: Local Advisory Areas
Unincorporated areas can have Advisory or Hamlet Councils that carry out an advisory role for the Local Advisory Area and is the community voice in the process of developing... -
Catalogue Entry: NG911 Provisioning Boundary - Whitehorse
The Provisioning Boundary layer defines the area of GIS data provisioning for the City of Whitehorse. This boundary must be agreed to by all adjoining data provisioning... -
Catalogue Entry: YESAA Assessment Districts - 250k
Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA) Assessment District boundaries. This data set was created at a scale of 1:250,000 from metes and bounds provided in... -
Catalogue Entry: Enhanced interpretation of stream sediment geochemical data for NTS 115P
New geochemical data from re-analysis of archived stream sediment samples have been assessed using weighted sums modeling and catchment basin analysis as described in the... -
Catalogue Entry: Land Use Permits Point - 50k
Describes active land use applications and permits required under the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act 2003/51 Land Use Regulation for the purpose of pemitting /any work or... -
Catalogue Entry: Hypsometry - 1M
Hypsometry polygons captured at 1:1,000,000 scale from Digital Chart of the World data for the Yukon and surrounding area. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon .... -
Catalogue Entry: Placer Baseline Unsurveyed - 50k
Baseline of a creek or river means a traverse line following the general direction of the centre bottom lands of the valley of the creek or river Distributed from GeoYukon by... -
Catalogue Entry: Agriculture land dispositions
Land under administration and control of Government of Yukon, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR), Agriculture Branch. Includes all dispositions of agricultural... -
Catalogue Entry: Photo Locations 1951 to 1960
Location of centre points of Yukon aerial photographs. Data was produced from heads up digitization of paper flightline index maps Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of... -
Catalogue Entry: Water Features - 50k
1:50,000 NTDB Hydrographic Point Features Based on Edition 2.x. -
Catalogue Entry: Placer Baseline - Surveyed
Surveyed Placer Baselines are the mineral claim location lines. This consists of the lines required to establish the position for Mineral Claims. COGO attributes are associated... -
Catalogue Entry: Land Claim MOU Boundaries
These Boundaries agreed to with First Nation Final Agreement (FA or SGA), or a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the First Nation and Yukon Government. Those pursuant to... -
Catalogue Entry: Oil and Gas Bid Locations - 50k
Yukon Oil and Gas Rights Disposition Process. Call for Bids (CFB) - an invitation to submit bids for posted locations. The Call for Bids dataset contains basic information on... -
Catalogue Entry: Structural Culverts - 25k
The purpose of this dataset is to provide structural culvert locations along highways . The definition of a Structural Culvert is a culvert with span of 2 metres or greater.... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Resources Management Plans - 250k
The purpose of this feature class is to identify the individual annual allowable cut and annual limit areas as referred to in the Forest Resources Act subsection 20(2) and 31(10... -
Catalogue Entry: Vegetation Inventory - 5k - Leading Species
This feature delineates forest and vegetation stands in the Yukon at a scale of 1:5,000. It is an operational level forest inventory (as opposed to a management level). This... -
Catalogue Entry: Regional Geochemical Surveys - RGS - All - 250k
Regional stream sediment geochemical data compilation November 2020 Release notes The regional stream sediment geochemical data compilation comprises data for more than 30 000...